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IFAHSYG. LINSYG. ISABELSYG. FATINSYG. MARDSYG. AMIRSYG. NATSYG. SHEKYNROCKSYG. YAYUSYG. LUTFI JOVISSYG. HAZMI. November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 March 2011 April 2011 May 2011 June 2011 July 2011 August 2011 Bituwin -
template Words from Before It's Too Late by Goo Goo Dolls. Hit counter code here
Sunday, November 30, 2008
I smile cos we're friends, i cry cos tts all we'll ever be~
this is damn funny. rules for girls from guys. 13 Golden Rules For Girls. 1> Sometimes we just don't want to talk, don't take it too personally. 2> Helplessness is NOT cute. 3> Get to the point. 4> Breathe occasionally,so we can get a word in. 5> We don't go shopping. If we need something, we buy it. 6> If it itches,we scratch it. 7> You have enough clothes. 8> You have too many shoes. 9> Crying is blackmail. 10> Ask for what you want, lets get this straight: SUBTLE HINTS DONT WORK. STRONG HINTS DONT WORK REALLY OBVIOUS HINTS DONT WORK. 11> Sundays equals sports.Period. 12> Your ex-boyfriend is an idiot. 13> No,we dont know what day it is.We never will.Make anniversaries on a calendar you know we check. hahs. sial sia.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Be with someone who knows what they have when they have you.
woo. ugame exams today..surprisingly manageable..esp tafsir.lols. i think can pass wan la..haha.got home & fell sick cos rmh tgh spring cleaning..oh yes. bought a pillow at expo sale ytd.omg..its like,damnnnnn comfortable seyy. really provides support for yr neck....& sis said,its like the first time i didnt chge my slping position throut the nite.hahs.my new found love man..hahaaa. ayts.the only thing im looking frwd to nw is grad nite...reunion with all my sygs.haishhhh. ohkay then,watching cite ghost nw. HANTU BERANAK DALAM KUBUR. gdbyes~ I believe things happen for a reason. People change,so you can learn to let go. Things go wrong,so you can appreciate them when they're right. You believe lies so you eventually will start to trust noone but yourself, & sometimes, good things fall apart, so that better things can fall together~ MARILYN MONROE.
Friday, November 28, 2008
RULE #1People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs and replace any question that they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves. RULE #2Tag 5 people to do this quiz and those who are tagged cannot refuse.These people must state who they were tagged by and cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by continue this game by sending it to other people. (There're a lot of stupid question la, shit) 1. Do you have secrets?- OF COS.HEEEE. 2. Would you fall in love with a boy/girl younger than you?- NO LAA.LIKE YES. 3. How long do you intend to wait for someone you really love?- HMM.SO FAR,I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR ABOUT 2 YRS? LOLS. 4. What would you do with a billion dollars?- OUH.WOW.UMM, I WOULD DO ALL I CAN TO HELP THOSE UNFORTUNATE PPL IN THIS WORLD.BE IT AFRICA OR INDONESIA.WHEREVER. THE REST, SPEND IT ON THE BEAUTFIUL PEOPLE IN THIS WORLD,FAMILY & FRIENDS. 5. What will you be doing tomorrow?- RELIGIOUS CLASS.EXAMS SIAAA. 6. Has anyone ever asked you if you were retarded?-HEEE.YES. 7. What do you love doing?- READING.SPENDING TIME WITH LOVES. 8. If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?- MOVE ON LA. WAD CAN I DO? 9. Is there anything that has made you extremely happy?- UMM..NTAH EH.NO. 10. Do you secretly dislike anyone without them knowing?- UMM..YEA.DUH. 11. How would you see yourself in 10 years time?- UMM, TEACHING? HAHAAAA. SHOPPING LIKE CRAZY LIL GIRLS WITH MY BEST MATES FROM SEC SCH.WOW. 12. Who is currently the most important people to you?- MY FAMILY AND FRIENDS. 13. What is being regarded as the most important thing in your life?- MY SOUL? 14. Would you rather be single and rich or married but poor?- SINGLE AND RICH! duhh 15. What is your favourite colour?- BLACK & BLUE. 16. If you’re attached but you feel as if you like someone else, what would you do?- TRUTHFULLY TRUTHFULLY, I WOULD LEAVE MY CURRENT PARTNER, BUT I WONT MAKE ADVANCES ON THE ONE I LIKE..( hello,been there,done that.hahaaaa) 17. Would you forgive and forget no matter how horrible a thing the someone has done?- HAISSH.YEPS. 18. What do you want to tell the someone you like?- I LIKE YOU? HAHS. 19. What if you caught your bf/gf doing stuffs (only God knows what) with other girls/guys?- I WOULD GO INFRONT OF THEM, MAKE SURE HE SEES ME, SHOW HIM THE FINGER & YELL "SON OF A BITCH!" THEN WALK AWAY.HEEEE. 20. Do you believe that there’s “Love At First Sight”?- hahs.ntah eh. 5 people to do this survey: 1> isa? 2> azura? 3> ifah? 4> maz? 5> midzi? buat la...heh. SONIA, IN VIEW OF YR LAST BLOG POST, I WANNA SAY, IM DEEPLY TOUCHED DEAR. I SOOO BLOODY HELL MISS YOU SIA. & YES, I N SIS GOING SWIMMING VERYVERY SOON. JZ WAIT FOR OUR CALL AYTS LOVE. TC! MWAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH~
There comes a time in your life,when you have to let go of all the pointless drama & the people who create it & surround yourself with people who make you laugh so hard, you forget the bad & focus solely on the good. After all, life is too short to be anything but happy.
been so long since i blogged. heres how i spent my wednesday, went to aunt's place. & as usual,she was being super irritating about my hair. she all like, "why u do ur hair like tt?" "why u dowan to cut yr fringe?" "can u go cut yr fringe? its so scaryy looking." "ur hair veryyyy black ah.." "eh! ur hair very thick ah..." "why u dowan to put yr hair bhind yr ears? kan nmpk lagi bersih." "eh rambot kau gatal2 tak?" BLAAAAAAA BLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA BLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. sumpah annoying nk mammmmmposss sia. mcm nk sounddd je.tapi, RESPECT punye pasal, dok diamm je.. sickening sia.i mean, if ur jealous or smtn, den jz fcuk off la.tkmo nk tell ME wad to do about MY fcking hair..its growing outta my scalp, nt urs!! haishh..she's gotta issue with my...1> BODY. 2> HAIR. 3> CLOTHES. 4> PERSONALITY. kimekkkk. NO LIFE. anyways, ytd, was a reallly frustrating day. spent whole day at hm...den at night, some asshole, claimed tt he gt my email add from hes friend. i swear,this person(HE,i think) is gonna dieeee if i find out who he is. passing ard my email add to ppl.chibai.think i wad sia.....annoying nak mampos...so,this guys,i frgt wad his name is, claims tt he got my add from his friend by the name of rahim...n i was like," eh,i dunn0 any rahims k.who the hell passed u my add?" den he said.oh..hazir. sialahhh..nak tukar2 name plak. den,this guy said, some things tt i prefer not to disclose...then,went offline cos da tkt.so i left him n hes friend a sweet lil offline msg & i jz hope they'll take action.heee. this is how it goes: EH? WHY U GO OFFLINE AFTER SAYING ALL THIS? WHY? NO BALLS AH? K LA...SINCE KAU DA KECOT, PLS PASS YR DEAR LIL FRIEND THIS MSG, IF HE'S UNHAPPY WITH ME FOR WHATEVER REASON, PLS TELL HIM TO TALK TO ME FACE TO FACE & NOT ACT LIKE A BITCH.THANKS. & U, YOU CAN GO SUCK YR NON-EXISTENT BALLS AYTS.:) i jz hope he gets angry, & decides to do smtn. boy oh boy, i'll be waiting:D so, guess wad happen jz a few seconds ago??? first of all, my msn pm: BEHIND EVERY BEAUTIFUL GIRL, THERE IS A DUMBASSED GUY WHO DID HER WRONG & MADE HER STRONG. so, this guy, named MUHAIMIN, opened cnvrstn. MUHAIMIN: fuck u. u better chge yr pm bitch.guys are wayyy better than girls. (then, FREAK went offline) ME: HALLOOOOO! U SAYING GUYS ARE WAY BETTER THAN GIRLS? THAN WAD ABT YR BEHAVIOUR NOW? CALLING ME ALL THIS THINGS THEN GOING OFFLINE.WHY? NO BALLS AH? (then,FREAK came online back) ME: my pasal la wad i wan to put sia. who the hell are u to tell me wad to put? MUHAIMIN: i always see ur pm.always condemning guys la. ( MACAM PAHAM SIA BBUAL) MUHAIMIN: u think girls all angels ah? ME: can i ask u smtn? MUHAIMIN: yea? ME: How many million girls are condemning guys & hom many million guys are condemning girls? If you think you're a good guy, then why do u have to act so defensive? why cnnt jz accept the fact tt there are undesirable characters of guys out there? Cmon la.Don't jz go ard scolding girls who have met assholic guys and are complaining abt them. I have every right to say what i want ayts. ( HIS RESPONSE IS SHOCKING & ANNOYING AT THE SAME TIME.) MUHAIMIN: k,i accept it.im really sorry for saying all this. i was jz so stressed up cos my girl of 14 months jz did smtn wrong..den i saw yr pm..tts why was pissed.i am goin off now....once again i am very srry for talkin like that jus now...i feel quite bad...was jus out of my mind...all da best to you and takecare. likeeee, can someone tell me WHAT THE HELLLL JUST HAPPENED? i swear,guys like this have to ******. seriously sia...its like ur pissed wit some1 else, & u jz rant wildly to an innocent party...SIAPA YANG MAKAN CILI,DIALAH TERASA PEDASNYA. tts an old mly saying which means like, if ur in the wrong, u will feel guilty..so, i think that any GUY who feels offended by my pm is/has been in the wrong... haish..so much of drama..just in TWO NIGHTS.lols. anyways,heres a lil smtn, IF PEOPLE TALK BEHIND YOUR BACK, ITS BECAUSE YOU'RE AHEAD OF THEM. AND WHILE THEY ARE THERE, TELL THEM, THEY CAN KISS YOUR ASS~ gdbyes~
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
found this on the net.pretty true.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
i forgot his bdae.i only feel bad cos he had managed to wish me on my bdae itself, ard 12 plus. managed to wish him, one day AFTER his bdae. &&& the worst of the worst part is, i was OTF wit him for a few mins ON HIS BDAE ITSELF & I DIDNT EVEN WISH HIMM.. arghh..i feel so bad, i cud kill myself....but,of course,i wont go to tt extent..i'll jz settle for slashing my wrists like those depressed emo kids out thr.hahaaaaaaaaaa. NAD? EMO? haha.siaakkkk je. k, sumpah tkde topic.cant slp nw. gdbyes~
Thursday, November 20, 2008
ytd, me n sis went to TP cos thr was some kinda thingy going on..so, i was kinda interested n dcided to go.but, we didnt enter cos the place seemed so dead...den found out frm cuzzie tt th OPEN HSE is in Jan.wth.so, headed to KFC to have lunch..since we didnt have any plans, wanted to meet my cuzzie...soooo,here comes the scary/funny part. me & sis were waiting at this blk,blk 843(iwillnvrfrgtit),den while we were waiting, this nigga, he came out of his car...as it was raining, he stood at the same blk as us..jz a few steps away la.skaliiii, he approached us, extended his hand twrds me, n asked fer my name...so, we were like, ok la..jz tel the name..den, he came soo close, then kept on saying, "You guys look so wonderful(X3-4) BUT,wen he said tt, he wasnt lookin at our faces but our body..so we jz went haha. bcos of our obvious movements to move AWAY from him, he came closer & said, "Are u guys scared of me or smtn? Are u shy?" so many times..dlm hati i was like,WHO WOULDNT BE SCARED BY THE WAY UR LOOKING AT US SIA. NOTE: WE COULDNT MOVE AWAY FROM HIM BCOS OF THE FCKING HEAVYHEAVY RAIN,SO WE WERE LIKE STUCKKKK THERE. skaliiii, he came to me, NIGGA:"can i talk to u in private for awhile? cos i dun wan her(points at sis) to know"... ME: " nah its ok...she's gona know everything later on" NIGGA:"well, i dont want her to hear it come out from my mouth u see.dont worry man, i wont take u to my car or anitin.jz thr(points at seat) KAKAK: (whispers) jangan,jangan... ME: nahhhh.... den i moved a few more steps away frm him again..still couldnt go anywhr cos of rainnnnnnnnn.he took out his hp & so fakely pretended he was on a call.then, with his hp,he came to me agn, NIGGA: hey, b4 u go, i really wanna get to knw u more u knw..so, can i have anitin to contact u by, mayb ur hp number or smtn? ME: (smiles) umm, actually, im attached. NIGGA: (leans in) sorry,i dun understand.. ME: I've got a boyfriend. NIGGA: (smiles sarcastically & turns to sis) how bout u? KAKAK: yea..i've gotta boyfriend too. to which, we walked awayyyy as fast as possible...calling cuzzy...wen she came, she passed by him den the 3 of us ran in the rain.hahaaa. tt guy was superrrrrrrrrrrrrr scary man.seriously...his eyes, omg...so big...& he was so muscular,i swear he can jz swipe me & sis in his arms sia..tt muscular tao.i just THANK GOD, i wasnt alone..kalau tak..ntah eh...i wont even be here i think.eee. oh well, then went to aunt's house & had dinner with them.yums man...fried baby squid,kangkong,fried chicken,hot plate beancurd,hot plate beef.had a nice dinner ytd, despite the earlier incident.i swear, i wont go back to tt block again sia,ESP wen im alone.eeee. gdbyes~
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
brown eyes.curly hair.heeeheee.
oooooooolaaaaaaaaaa. spent the whole day at aunt's house ytd. damnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn boring.cos, thrs no form of technology tts entertaining thr except for the tv. its amazing how the absence of computers/handphones/radios can really alter yr life & make it so dead. i mean, in the past, these things above were considered a luxury & only SOME ppl had it,thus it meant little to the majority who doesn't. but look around NOW, its like even kids at the age of twelve have goddamned handphones. BUT, hahs, these past few days, i've learnt to live without texting.haha.its a great feeling but its only bcos i have no choice.hahs.prpd lowwwwww. only this thingy in front of me(comp) has been keeping me entertained & engaging me with friends this past few days. but seriously, i feel dead & damnnn bored if i have no comp or hp. its like, no food & water kinda life. yeaaaaaaaa. went to the psr mlm at inter ytd &&&&& i bumped into the same guy i saw at BK on Sat. he has big brown eyes & curly-wirly hair that is messy in a nice way.he was dammnnnn cute man. on Sat, i was wit family at BK fer dinner. he & his friends were all seated bside us & strangely, they kept looking at our table till sis got so pissed & wanted to slap them.hahaaa. thenthenthen(HIGH-PITCHED),i bumped into him at pasar mlm ytd. he looked n smiled n i was like,....woahhhhhhh,is tt real? lols. kept on terserempak-ing into him n friends the WHOLE time we were thr. like, we turn here, they'll b infront of us.hahs. cool or wad.so, i jz hope n hope,i wud bump into him soon enough,hahs. he's hot i tell you.he's blazing.hahaaaa oh yes, i jz discovered smtn ytd, she is extremely self-centered & damn egoistic.seriously, & i hate it.i despise her for doing tt. gdbyes~
Sunday, November 16, 2008
I know you don't cos its so goddamned obvious.
but why the hell I am keeeping the hope in me alive, re-igniting it wenever we get into contact?? its goddamned annoying.all u ever care about, how u would feel, how ur mood is, bla3.it all depends on tt thing tt ur obsessed with. i respect it & i've come to know tt that is yr greatest passion in life, but still, is tt truly what u ever care about? even when i gave u the cold shoulder,tts nt the thing u were worried abt...n0..its tt thing. do u kn0w how annoying this is for me? to have some1 control me like this? its nt yr fault(of course)..tts wad u'll think.but fcuk,do i have to spend my days like this? damn you & everything tt reminds me of u la~ & u think im laughing along with you everytime u say something funny, thank god we're chattin so u cant see or hear me. it hurts & its partly ur fault. BUT OF COURSE, you wont have ANY idea wad im raving abt.cos, like all other guys, ur jz plain oblivious towards yr actions & the consequences. &, like all other guys, u take niceness for granted. i sooooo wish, i can just go away from u n yr life....& i hope i can la..soon..nowadays, i keep trying to remind myself tt wad Nor said about u isnt true. but as the days goes by, i find it harder uh. mcm, wad he said was true...ur jz making use...tapi,i dont wanna believe tt. & i'm trying not to. especially wen u tell me tt yr life is boring wen i dont top up? cmon, wad the hell do u think i'd assume wen u tell me smtn like tt, judging from OUR situation???? shit sia. stop dropping HUGE hints one day & act as if everything's normal the next. its frustrating & confusing.i sooo wish i can tell u how im feeling, but i'm having second thoughts cos,why should i make the first move, AGAIN? u got it the first time, & ur taking advantage of it now so well. so, if ur not gonna do anitin, its about goddamned time i moved on. its fcuking hard u knw, easier said than done. i think i can safely say, i hate u. i hate you for doing this. i hate u for making me feel this helpless. i hate u for dropping hints. i hate u for making me laugh so much. i hate u for making me think of u. i hate u for making things ard me remind me of u. i hate u cos i knw ppl who knw u who are always talking abt u. i jz hate u. yet, i dont. i dont hate u enough to let u go. i dont hate u enough to forget about u. i dont hate u enough to stop thinking about u. i dont hate u enough to stop contacting u. i dont hate u enough to stop laughing at yr lame jokes. i jz dont,u ASSHOLIC ASS. ur the only one who knows me soooo well. u know wen im feeling down, u know wen im excited,u know wen im annoyed, u knw wen im pissed, YOU KNOW EVERYTHING. u knw jz how to make me feel better, u knw jz how to make my day, u knw jz how to make me laugh. WHY THE HELL DO YOU EVEN BOTHER? COS UR BORED? AM I JZ AN EXPERIMENT? oh, fcuk shit.pnt uh fikir psl nie.tk prnh abes2 fikir pon. ily~
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Friday, November 14, 2008
ooooh.these past two days have been a disappointment & full of frustration for me. let's start with the incident tt happened ystrdy, stepped out of house at ard 345.headed to granny's house & woke both granny & grouchy aunt cos me & sis didn't called in advance. granny still appeared cheerful & happy to see us & to have visitors but aunt, huh, not even close to hospitable. oh well, forget it,its expected anyways. then, headed off to another aunt's house, the funny ppl. stayed ard then went to cs for the awaited job interview. the salesgirl told us the day before that the boss would come down yesterday to interview us at 7 or 7:30. sis n me arrived at 7:34.take note, 7:34. wen we entered, the salesgirl,an obvious foreigner told us to write our names & hp no.s oon a paper.then she told me in a thickly accented voice, "Thze boss wud come dzown at sefen thirty." Although i was having great difficulty understanding, I was sure she said, 7:30. wen i lookeed at my watch,it showed 7:40. wow eh. such a punctual boss. so me n sis went out & walked ard aimlessly in that mall. after a century of waiting, we got a call requesting our presence.wen we arrived, WOAH. byk gilerrrr seyy orang. mostly chinese girls who didnt know how to dress up.hahs.but, there were GUYS thr too..applying for a job at a shop selling mainly LADIES clothes.weird.anyways, we were divided into two grps to go for the interview. as usual,me & sis had to waitttttttttt some more cos we were in the 2nd grp. now,here's the funny part, we were waiting with the 3 weird guys who were there with us in the shop. they were all NERDS. That word was screaming from every fibre of their neatly combed to the side hair,their smart, tucked in shirt & their roundround spectacles. didnt pay much attention to them when suddenly sis said, "Nad, is that orange shirt guy holding a report book?" i turned to him & i just BURST out laughing. All 3 of them, were carrying their respective REPORT BOOKS & A FILE CONTAINING THEIR PHYSICAL RECORD,u know,the one u get for the NAFA test thingy. i was like, sialaaaaaaaaaaaa.apply for a job at this kinda place, u wanna bring report book for wad siaaaaa!!! So,of course, the orange shirt guy heard us & wasted no time in telling his friend about us. so, they were like, talkingtalkingtalking, then looklooklook at us. den, sis stared..fitefite.hahs. but,i detested them cos, they were like arrogant, & the way he stared at us, like as if we were inferior beings. so,soon after, we were called, & i was so happy, that the interviewers, this old guy & this lady, treated the 3 of them so rudely. esp the guy.he was like, "no working xperience ah? okok.we'll call u if we want you,you can go now.thank you" haha.i was like, holding back a smile. so, the interview went like this, GUY : Any wrking xperience? ME : No.. GUY : No working experience uh? Ok..If a customer walks in the store, what's the first thing you would do? ME : I would say, "Welcome in. Feel free to browse through our items." GUY : What if the customer says, "I'm just looking." What would you do? ME : I'll leave them alone. GUY : Would you follow them? ME : Yea.but not obviously. to which, he had no more qns. as nervous as i was feeling, i felt relieved that i answered it 0k-ly.hahs. then came the problem. THE TIMING. both shifts ends at ten, which i find totally NONSENSICAL. i mean, you come for work at 1130 in the morn, & go home at ten at nite, while yr friend comes in for work at 1 in the aftrn & goes back at ten at nite too. mrepek seyy. so, didnt get job uh, cos DAD doesnt allow it. sheeeeesh.sometimes,i feel like, he should just let go & trust the world for once,instead of being so scared. im nt angry or anything, cos any father would feel insecure about letting his own daughters come back so late at night but still....its called WORK. oh well, still not gonna give upppp.gonna try & try & try. hahs. went swimming jz nw & this Chinese middle aged guy approached me n sis while we were relaxing in the water. he looked soooooo suspicious & pervert-ish. tried making friends with us, askin all this everyday qns.where we were schling at,do we know how to swim(PADEHAL,HE SAW US SWIMMING B4 TT). den he introduced himself as KEN. hahaaa.shook hands with him den we slowly went further & further & he came closer n closer. scarry sia. finally, he said he wanna go to the "waterfall" at the kid's pool & even had the goddamned cheek to invite us to follow him.we were like, nahh..its k. after he went, we were like, EWWWWWW. haish. so now, im back here. dont wanna mention what happened earlier today cos its jz so frustrating. jz hope things wud b better soon...though it never would.pfft. oh yes, been avoiding "brownie" for abt 2 days nw. BUT, in the mornig jz nw, i was lying in bed & thinking of something related to him(thinking of him laaa) then, IMMEDIATELY, he msged. i was like,omg. 2nd time siaaaa. OH WELL..doesnt mean anything.....does it? hahaaaaaaaaaa ayts. gdbyes~
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
I don't wanna walk away
I don't wanna lose you too Sometimes the best thing to do, is to let you go, Baby i can't have you no more.. I'm tired of getting hurt, & I'm tired of putting up with all your lies. Look at me,in the eyes & tell me that you need me, Cause right now I'm leaving.. I can't stay around, & act as if nothing's wrong btwn us two.. I can't live another day, not knowing where my heart belongs, Or is it for you? I know I deserve better than this, I know I can do better than this, So why should I even try,on letting you go? This is my last goodbye. I can't believe you called me that night, & thought that everything was going alright. You lead me on, got me thinking, what's going on? But I can't help it but to blame myself. For the actions that I made, so blind to see what a fool I've been.. So stupid of me, I could have just walked away, & never come back (x2) I can't stay around, & act as if nothing's wrong btwn us two.. I can't live another day, not knowing where my heart belongs, Or is it for you? Ever night I cry myself to sleep, & I wonder if you ever did care.. Cause how I feel, noone can compare cos everytime I would always be there. By your side, was what I felt was safe,but now I know it was nothing but a fake. And its my time to walk away, I know you'll be happy,cos now I won't get in your way. I don't wanna walk away I don't wanna lose you too... Sometimes the best thing to do, is to let you go, Baby i can't have you no more.. LAST GOODBYE.
sometimes, in life, u jz gotta try & try & try till u get it.
woke up at 944 in the morning today, heart full of excitement for what the day may bring.yea rite~ i woke up, intending to go search for jobs today with sis.so, we got ready & set off at ard 2. went downtown=no luck.went eastpoint=only require Chinese speaking people.wth. went CS= applied for a job at AMCO then headed to the library(last resort) & got a number to apply fer shelving positions. so, going off for interview at AMCO tmr.hope i get it.cos job-searching is reallyreally tiring.i swearrrrrrrrrr. otw back, we were walkin at NorthPark, & some 'mats' were slacking thr.as usual. as we walked past, some1 shouted "eh bdk east spring uh" so i turned,being the accused one,& saw a somewhat familiar face.wen i turned back, they began calling out like as if we were catsssss.sheesh.tk knl name lupekn je la....not like as if i wud turn~haiyoooo. so, looking forward to interviewwww tomorrow.just hope i geddit,cos i dont wanna work in a fast food restaurant...gawddddd.i dont want to cos like,it will make u perspire & like, my makeup wud be ruined.haha.yea riteee.n0 la, i dont want to cos, i think the pay's really low.yea.but i guess,if i have absofuckinglutely no goddamned choice,then, fast food it will be. ohkays then, enough of typingtypingtyping. gdbyes~ PS: TO ALLLL THOSE WHO HAVE PUT IN AS MUCH EFFORT AS I DID SCOURING FOR JOBS, I WISH YOU GUYS ALL THE BESTTT! :D
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
you've got me suicidal.
today has been a wildwild day. LAST DAY OF GCE O LEVELS EXAMINATIONS!!!! & im elated.extremely elated.like, no more nights of mugging & going to friend's house to study & memorize Chemistry shit.haisshhh...love the freedom now. so today, after the ppr, teman-ed zura to tamp mart to buy dye.she wants to bleach her hair.& we all went to slack at her crib,me,mid,bal. went there n satisfied my hunger with coke plus ice cream covered with hershey's syrup.yums.then after brkfast, helped zura to do her hair.kinda fun,it being my first time & all.yeah.but, then,while i was doing her hair,my left un-gloved hand felt pain.like,a pin piercing thru it.lols.shocking yet funny kinda pain. dipped it into water then retired for the day.at last, her hair colour turned out ok la..too bright for me, but it was niceee...considering the assistance of 3 very unprofessional ppl.lols.then slacked ard a while more & headed home. while walking with mid n bal,i realised that today was definitely the last day we were gonna walk home together.& it was kinda sad.like, i cant believe how fast time has passed,& like, our secondary school days are over..no more seeing MS HARVEEN's face & hearing her sarcastic jokes.no more seeing MS DAPHNE CHAN, our sexy Chem tcher who can sometimes b a fashion disaster.she,n her lame jokes & movie promoting in between the 5 mins break.hahaa.no more seeing MRS JUNE LEE,our SS tcher who used to be my Geog tcher who is constantly telling us, "At the end of the day, I'm still getting the same amount of salary just like the other teachers here.Its your future that you're deciding.bla3." ( i nvr listen to them anyways) n0 more seeing, MR DANIEL NG, our hip Physics tcher who is always smiling & trying his best to convey his lessons to us.(though,me n bal secretly thinks he's a rapper like SEAN PAUL) hahaa.n0 more seeing, CIKGU SHARIFAH, our wonderful Malay tcher who totally rocks.she's a gangster,i just know it.& she's like the only tcher who really drives the subj into me & makes me understand all the sh**. haishh. n not to forget,all the psychopaths in school who never fail to make my days in EAST SPRING SEC memorable. also the aunties n uncles in the canteen,Cik Basri whos always in art room, n the security guards. ahhh.gonna miss them alllllllllllll.n the school,the classrooms,the toilets,the hall,the atrium,the field,the everythinggg laaaaaaaa. hahs. ayts, tried looking for jobs today & actually contacted Mr Jack Ng, this guy who gave me his number wen i bought a pen meant to help ex prisoners in the society. had already planned everything n i was supposed to meet him at Lavender tmr but of course,things had to go wrong.so, dad didnt agree to this job.& i was like, ok.nvm~ so,maybe headin down the town tmr to search for jobs with high paying salaries.hahaaaaaa. applied for several jobs already,just hope ade reply or smtn. & as I was saying,I'm very n0t interested in relationships currently.getting to know, meeting new guys, bla3. very unappealing at the moment. but, this guy insists on doing so, & i had to use every ounce of will power i had to not lash out in vulgarities, cos im NICE.this is how the cnversation went, ( he already initiated a meeting with me,i was trying to decline it nicely by saying im bz n0wadays,which is true! so,this is the continuation) [c=46][b]♠UBAI♠[/b][/c] says: not sure a momment wit u is enough 4 me Irah SO WHAT? I'M STILL A ROCKSTARRRR!. . says: huh? [c=46][b]♠UBAI♠[/b][/c] says: even a moment to c u is enough 4 me Irah SO WHAT? I'M STILL A ROCKSTARRRR!. . says: hahs. Irah SO WHAT? I'M STILL A ROCKSTARRRR!. . says: u sure nt? so c u five mins 0k uh?hahaaa [c=46][b]♠UBAI♠[/b][/c] says: ya sure ok evry min wit u is a lifetime memmory 4 me Irah SO WHAT? I'M STILL A ROCKSTARRRR!. . says: hahs. Irah SO WHAT? I'M STILL A ROCKSTARRRR!. . says: cmon.. [c=46][b]♠UBAI♠[/b][/c] says: i'm serious Irah SO WHAT? I'M STILL A ROCKSTARRRR!. . says: but its nt like as if u knw me well or smtn Irah SO WHAT? I'M STILL A ROCKSTARRRR!. . says: wad if i turn out real ugly or real bitchy.hahs.u knw wad i mean? [c=46][b]♠UBAI♠[/b][/c] says: hey i'm not a type hu make fren seeing thier looks i onli c the character Irah SO WHAT? I'M STILL A ROCKSTARRRR!. . says: yea, & wad if i turned out real ugly in terms of character? [c=46][b]♠UBAI♠[/b][/c] says: hmmm after knowing u abit i dun tink u r a type of person hu is poor in character Irah SO WHAT? I'M STILL A ROCKSTARRRR!. . says: uhuh, [c=46][b]♠UBAI♠[/b][/c] says: ya i feel that u r a type of person hu dun want any1 to b hurt cos of u [c=46][b]♠UBAI♠[/b][/c] says: so r u willing o meet ?? Irah SO WHAT? I'M STILL A ROCKSTARRRR!. . says: mit u..& then wad,get to knw u...then? [c=46][b]♠UBAI♠[/b][/c] says: then wat ?/ [c=46][b]♠UBAI♠[/b][/c] says: if u like me we should tink ahead Irah SO WHAT? I'M STILL A ROCKSTARRRR!. . says: u knw, im jz nt up for this. [c=46][b]♠UBAI♠[/b][/c] says: onli if u like la k i didn't mean u will like me then we would conifrm tink ahead Irah SO WHAT? I'M STILL A ROCKSTARRRR!. . says: i mean, Irah SO WHAT? I'M STILL A ROCKSTARRRR!. . says: this getting to knw thingy all. [c=46][b]♠UBAI♠[/b][/c] says: if u dun wanna meet then its k wit me (crying emoticon) [c=46][b]♠UBAI♠[/b][/c] says: just wann u to noe i'm not like other guys Irah SO WHAT? I'M STILL A ROCKSTARRRR!. . says: u knw, im nt judging u or anitin, & the reason why im telling u im nt up for this isnt bcos i think ur the same as all guys. Irah SO WHAT? I'M STILL A ROCKSTARRRR!. . says: im jz nt interested in this rite nw,i think i've told u b4. [c=46][b]♠UBAI♠[/b][/c] says: k sorry to bother u Irah SO WHAT? I'M STILL A ROCKSTARRRR!. . says: nah,its nt a bother...u don't have to apologise. [c=46][b]♠UBAI♠[/b][/c] says: i just tot tat u and i r free after O's so tat's y tot of meeing Irah SO WHAT? I'M STILL A ROCKSTARRRR!. . says: yea... [c=46][b]♠UBAI♠[/b][/c] says: i can b stranger to u today but a wonderful fren to u tml Irah SO WHAT? I'M STILL A ROCKSTARRRR!. . says: yea, i knw..tt happens all the time [c=46][b]♠UBAI♠[/b][/c] says: c but onli some frens will last 4eva so losing a chance of having wonderful fren is hurting [c=46][b]♠UBAI♠[/b][/c] says: so i dun wan to miss ma chance getting to noe u gal Irah SO WHAT? I'M STILL A ROCKSTARRRR!. . says: its nt like as if u'll lose my friendship jz bcos we dun meet, Irah SO WHAT? I'M STILL A ROCKSTARRRR!. . says: thrs always msn n stuff [c=46][b]♠UBAI♠[/b][/c] says: a person can't b judged through a blind chat some people can onli b seen n judged like u Irah SO WHAT? I'M STILL A ROCKSTARRRR!. . says: hahs. Irah SO WHAT? I'M STILL A ROCKSTARRRR!. . says: u knw,i do have some very gd friends on msn whom i've nvr seen b4 but has left a very gd impression on me.Its really the way u chat n stuff. to which he didnt reply & went bz. like, wth,doesnt he goddamn geddit? n hes tellin me hes nt like other guys? well, he sounds like other guys, tts fer damned sure. cmon la, i've heard this bloody phrase, "IM NOT LIKE ANY OTHER GUYS" a gazillion & one times. how much longer do u want me to hear them? & even wen i get ready to get into a new relationship, he's definitely not going to get even close to me.fer sure! & u knw, sometimes,i really regret not being verbally abusive towards fake guys like this, but i jz cant bring myself to do it.& tts bad cos guys like this gotta face the real deal every once in a while. haiyo. got me all fired up sia. anyways, this is a long long post. gdbyes~
Saturday, November 8, 2008
got up at 830 in the morning today & i felt like i've only been sleeping fer 3 hours? its kind atrue judging by how the horrible thunder woke me up at ard 3:44 in the morning.it was terrible, the heavy rain today morning,realllll scary...was the kinda heavy rain that just makes you wanna huddle up under yr blanket just to feel safe & warm.hahaa.left for swimming complex at ard 9 plus.alone,with tuna sandwich & coffee in my hand.it was pretty relaxing to laze ard in the swimming pool & not give a care about what other ppl think or do.i think i'm gonna make it a habit.to wake up wayyy early every Sunday & go to the swimming pooool.yeah.thought alot about the 3 things tt was on my mind,& frustratingly, i still havent found a solution to it.its damnnnn annoying. maybe there is no solution, i mean obviously, o lvl results is just something i have to face..& it comes together with my future.so,yeah,guess i'm just gonna have to wait till Jan next yr for tt. & about him, hah, i NEVER find a solution tt i will stick to everrr.firstly it was like, yea, just ignore him, don't be as close as before, don't bother spending so much money & sacrificing yr sleep just for him, but urgghh...tt jz never happens at alll!!! its just so hard to keep to yr "resolutions".haiyo.i hate him for making me feel so helpless.damn. ayts, gotta rush off somewhere. PS: HAVENT BEEN STUDYING A BIT MANNN. gdbyes~
saturday morn fever~
woke up today after repeated callings from daddy. got up to cold tea & half boiled egg(telor kampong) haha. trudged off to ugame after two weeks of skipping it. & i regret it cos couldnt spend time with dearests to celebrate FATIN'S sweet sixteen. oh yes, HAPPY BDAE FATIN DIANA, SAYANG! FINALLY SIXTEEN! heh. anyways, managed to get to ugame alive n well. missed farah & haziqa. successfully hafal-ed 3,three,tiga surahs. heh, & i got a nice remark from ustazah, "baik!" hahah.sukeeeee skali. got hm & bro was watchin a hindustan
![]() oh well, a girl's gotta reflect on life when she has to reflect on life.hahaaa. song on mind right about now: FORGET ABOUT ME.damn nice,farah's intro-ed. ayts, had enough of typing. gdbyes~
Friday, November 7, 2008
![]() I feel trapped.& like the whole world's closing down on me. Just thinking of the O level results make me go weak in my knees & I have this kinda funny feeling inside. How can they make us sit for such an important exam that determines our career path & our life at such a young age? & then again, I salute those who have been there,done that.Like they've gone through it SUCCESSFULLY of course,& moved on to their respective choice of destinations. I don't want time to past, yet I'm curious to see where I would end up in the future,what job I'll be doing bla3. oh well. Right about n0w, its the O's im worried about. May GOD help me & all my classmates~ gdbyes.
Get Back,Demi Lovato
Don't walk away like you always do,
This time,Baby you're the only thing that's been, On my mind.Ever since you left I've been a mess,(you wont answer your phone)I'll say it once,And I'll leave you alone, But I gotta let you know. I wanna get back, to the old days, When the phone would ring, And I knew it was you.I wanna talk back, And Get Yelled AtFight for nothing, like we used to. Oh kiss me, like you mean it, Like you miss me,Cause I know that you do. I wanna get back,Get back,With you. Yeah Don't look at me that way,I see it in your eyes. Don't worry about me,I've been fine, I'm not gonna lie I've been a mess, Since you left, And every time I see you, It gets more and more intense. You were the only one I wanted. And you were the first one I felt for. You're the only one that I've been needing, And I don't want to be lonely anymore LOVE THIS SONGG.
I chatted with a new friend today. & we were discussing about love & relationships,bla3. I told him, that im jz so sick of it. Falling in "love", getting into a relationship, spending time with him, getting involved, spending time & energy to make it work. Its just so routine, & a lil frustrating. Though I've been single for nearing 3 months now,I'm definitely in no rush to get into a new one. haha. blame it on maybe a bad past,my previous relationship was a sucker. Regrets, crying, i don't wanna go through it again. Then again, you meet new people, & u develop feelings for them..then, you wonder, whats next? hahs.
I hate it how some guys make you feel like, they're only talking to u n stuff cos they want u to think they're nice, & they don't want you to feel bad because you like them.its like, cmon be real ayts. Don't pity someone & give them false hopes. I'm sick & tired of that. That's why i want SOMEONE(brownie) to kn0w, tt i'm not dying for you or anitin..Just bcos i confessed to you that i liked you sometime back, it doesn't mean you can make use of me, give me false hopes & toy around with my emotions. I'm not desperate for your love,pretty boy.I'm not yearning for you, I'm not crazy about you.I just like you, but I definitely won't be your dog. Get that straight ayts. Oh, & i've always wanted to tell you this,I'm not some kinda robot who is always nice with a sweet voice. I am a normal human with emotions & reactions like you. I fall ill, I have mood swings & I can be a bitch. Just because I'm nice to you usually doesn't mean I can be taken advantage of.& just because I'm nice doesn't mean I can't behave accordingly towards you if you're being a complete ass****. & sometimes, though i wanna apologise if I've done something wrong accidentally, your immediate reaction towards the err I did hugely affects my decision of apologising. I get hurt too when you say things that you don't mean to say, but can be figured out, which is that you obviously do not care & feel the same way as I do. I get pissed too just like you. I get tired of things too just like you. So, I'm sorry if I've made you have the impression that you've made friends with a sweet-voiced,nice robot. wooo.my mind's cleared. gdbyes.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
my first,wait nt my first, but okay, my blog.first time i feel serious abt setting one up.haha. well, i'm setting up a blog, cos i think its cool hw u can express yr thoughts freely plus sometimes, u jz wan some ppl to kn0w how u feel abt them & how they make u feel.yeah.tts the main reason why i decided to set up a blog.not cos all my friends have one.or not bcos i wana keep up with times. oh well, enough of tt. my bdae two days ago, was a blast wit my friends. i love them wit or without presents. cos, sometimes, jz spending time wit ppl u really love jz makes the whole difference. n not to forget,my family. parents n sibs. i love them all. birthdays, celebrating the day u were born.oh man, tts jz so great.esp, wen u have a truckload of ppl who are ready to celebrate it with you.its jz the greatest feeling of all...hahs. i guess it ends here then. i wanna post another post, something totally diff. gdbyes. |