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Oh hello. I am Narah and I am 18. Dark chocolates,marshmallows and novels are my favorite things.

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Words from Before It's Too Late by Goo Goo Dolls.

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Sunday, November 16, 2008

I know you don't cos its so goddamned obvious.
but why the hell I am keeeping the hope in me alive, re-igniting it wenever we get into contact?? its goddamned annoying.all u ever care about, how u would feel, how ur mood is, bla3.it all depends on tt thing tt ur obsessed with. i respect it & i've come to know tt that is yr greatest passion in life, but still, is tt truly what u ever care about? even when i gave u the cold shoulder,tts nt the thing u were worried abt...n0..its tt thing. do u kn0w how annoying this is for me? to have some1 control me like this? its nt yr fault(of course)..tts wad u'll think.but fcuk,do i have to spend my days like this? damn you & everything tt reminds me of u la~ & u think im laughing along with you everytime u say something funny, thank god we're chattin so u cant see or hear me. it hurts & its partly ur fault. BUT OF COURSE, you wont have ANY idea wad im raving abt.cos, like all other guys, ur jz plain oblivious towards yr actions & the consequences. &, like all other guys, u take niceness for granted. i sooooo wish, i can just go away from u n yr life....& i hope i can la..soon..nowadays, i keep trying to remind myself tt wad Nor said about u isnt true. but as the days goes by, i find it harder uh. mcm, wad he said was true...ur jz making use...tapi,i dont wanna believe tt. & i'm trying not to. especially wen u tell me tt yr life is boring wen i dont top up? cmon, wad the hell do u think i'd assume wen u tell me smtn like tt, judging from OUR situation???? shit sia. stop dropping HUGE hints one day & act as if everything's normal the next. its frustrating & confusing.i sooo wish i can tell u how im feeling, but i'm having second thoughts cos,why should i make the first move, AGAIN? u got it the first time, & ur taking advantage of it now so well. so, if ur not gonna do anitin, its about goddamned time i moved on. its fcuking hard u knw, easier said than done. i think i can safely say,
i hate u.
i hate you for doing this.
i hate u for making me feel this helpless.
i hate u for dropping hints.
i hate u for making me laugh so much.
i hate u for making me think of u.
i hate u for making things ard me remind me of u.
i hate u cos i knw ppl who knw u who are always talking abt u.
i jz hate u.
yet, i dont.
i dont hate u enough to let u go.
i dont hate u enough to forget about u.
i dont hate u enough to stop thinking about u.
i dont hate u enough to stop contacting u.
i dont hate u enough to stop laughing at yr lame jokes.
i jz dont,u ASSHOLIC ASS.
ur the only one who knows me soooo well. u know wen im feeling down, u know wen im excited,u know wen im annoyed, u knw wen im pissed, YOU KNOW EVERYTHING. u knw jz how to make me feel better, u knw jz how to make my day, u knw jz how to make me laugh. WHY THE HELL DO YOU EVEN BOTHER? COS UR BORED? AM I JZ AN EXPERIMENT? oh, fcuk shit.pnt uh fikir psl nie.tk prnh abes2 fikir pon.