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Oh hello. I am Narah and I am 18. Dark chocolates,marshmallows and novels are my favorite things.

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Dementee - image

Words from Before It's Too Late by Goo Goo Dolls.

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Thursday, June 24, 2010

I get goosebumps when I think of b-g relationships.

Or maybe its just the weather.


I feel like a zit.

This is so strange.
Would everyone go through it at some point of their life?
Some earlier than others?
I see you taking the same steps,going through the same whirlwind of emotions as I did.
Can I stop you? Can I wake you up from what you think is something that is inevitable?
Doubt it. You don't even open up to me.
But I can see it.COming slowly.
Please don't do what I did.
I'm not cross referencing or anything,but this is what commonly happens.
Argue with me and say that yours might be special. Prove your point and I'll be at ease. Seriously.

And I'm so not looking forward to gathering tmr. See all the faces that don't like seeing mine. Haha. This will be fun.

Nah,on 2nd thought, this is gonna be dreary.

And what about TAC?

I think I'll have to ground myself.

Secretconfession: This period of time, I feel ugly and because of that,I think I look ugly. Not to mention I just noticed I lost weight. Like I needed to lose weight. Reinforce my negative thoughts. I just feel urghhhh. Issit cos of my period?


Daddy's asking me to drink full cream milk every night.But he's doesn't buy it after I'm done with one bottle. Mum made me finish a whole plate of chees fries after I ate spring chicken and char kway. But I can't help it. I eat. Slowly,yes. But I still eat. Its my high metabolism rate. Don't blame me. I don't rush to the toilet after a meal and stick my fingers down my throat. Ew. And I certainly don't watch what I eat and count the calories of every single thing I put in my mouth. The only thing that seems to seperate me from people I know is that, I only eat when I'm very hungry. I don't eat when I don't have the appetite. I don't eat if I'm already full. That's it. Normal right.

Whatever it is, I guess, what may seem like a blessing to people might be a curse to others.

Just 2kgs?


Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Hurt.You're making me feel all choked up.

When you swear its all my fault
Cause you know we're not the same.
The friends who stuck together,
We wrote our names in blood.,

But I guess you can't accept that,
People Change.
You treat me just like another stranger
Well its nice to meet you dear,
I guess I'll go
I best be on my way out.

Ignorance is your new best friend.

No matter what you do and say
No matter how you act,
No matter what you plan,
I know its not gonna be the same.

This sucks.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Images. I never wanna see you unhappy & I thought you'd want the same for me.

And you accuse me for not trying?
Masya Allah. You give me this weird impression when I make an effort yet you blame me for being too busy if I do not make an effort.
Forget it you. You have just displayed the classic example of what wil happen if we do not tend to our flowers in the summer. They wither and die. I have a feeling that is coming our way. I know it takes two hands to clap but when one hand is reaching out to the other, you should reach out,not pull back.

Your attitude hurts me
ok? Do I do this intentionally? Bloody hell.

And I thought we'd last. I thought I could depend on you for all of that.
Am I just being emotional because of my period? Idk. I just know I was taken aback. I had the stupid feeling it would all be the same. But when I turned my head, you've turned yours too. In the other direction. I just know,I'm a lil hurt.
Should I bother? I really do not have any idea.

Sunday, June 13, 2010
Coming out your mouth with your BLAH BLAH BLAH~

I'm being hostile because I have had enough of guys like you who seek a girl's attention by playing the sad role. Insecure and lonely. Looking for someone who can show them love. Looking for someone who will be there for them.

Eh,kalau korang jadi mcm gini, pompuan la yang kene jad jantan dalam relationship. Hal gini sume pandai emotional, tapi kalau marah,tau jugak pekik bantai. Sudahlah~

I don't see a role I can play if I'm with you. Ta~

Dia datang, dengan muke handsome nye. :D

You tried to make me see the light about him before we got together but you gave me nothing when I was with you. Now, you're doing the same thing but I've learnt, and I know fer sure you're just the type who I'd just wanna treat as a friend with benefits. Start your game & we'll see where it goes baby :)

Get your car and we'll head off from there.

Sunday, June 6, 2010
Have a baby by me.

It took me one whole night and half a day to realise that you were lying all along. Let's just get this straight, if not for kakak, and your friends, I may forget that you even existed. I'm not being mean and I'm not being bitchy. Its the truth. Third parties who hear our story might think that I'm the bad one and I don't appreciate you. But tell me, is there anything that you're doing now that might change my mind and make me want to patch things up between us? Have you changed? Are you in better control of your emotions? Do you have your priorities sorted out properly in life yet?
The answer is so obvious, it screams in my face whenever I hear about you. Simply No.
And you expect me to get back together and act like nothing happened? You want me to give this and that up. But are you doing anything that I asked you to do? In the first place, did you even listen when I was expressing my frustrations and disappoinments about our relationship? I doubt so because if you had, I wouldn't have had to repeat it over 4 times in a short span of 3 months after we broke up. And now you bring this up. What right have you got to accuse me of breaking a promise that I never made to you?
Do you have any idea how hysterical I was in school when I saw your message? Do you know how bad I felt for you and how much I cried? Do you know how many days I pondered over this and contemplated getting into contact with you again? Do you have any idea how many times I went to kakak and friends for constant reassurance that you will be alright?

You want me to respond so bad that you stooped down to this level and now you're accusing me of not doing something. Even after 4 years, you don't know me well enough. Its so depressing. I thought I was the liar but it turns out, you've lied even before we got together because you were that possessive. This is so overwhelming. I'm trying to despise you for all these but I when I think about the times we spent together when we were just friends, I get emotional because those were great times. Nothing lasts forever kan. I just want you to know one thing, if you had previously thought that lie you told me would have brought us back together, you're very wrong because it has just made me realise how much longer I have to stay away from you. Who knows,if this continues, I wouldn't even want to talk or see you anymore.

And to you my dear girl, I respect you for your spontaneous attitude and how you tend to think about things carefully etcetc. But at the same time, please learn to respect other people's differences in character and way of thinking and accept it. When you're amongst a group of people, sighing, shaking your head and rolling your eyes gives people a bad impression on you. I don't condemn your outspoken attitude, but I would appreciate it if you would learn to think before you express yourself. Don't condemn and scold people because they can't think like you. Reason out with them and give yourself a chance to know why they think that way.