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Oh hello. I am Narah and I am 18. Dark chocolates,marshmallows and novels are my favorite things.

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Words from Before It's Too Late by Goo Goo Dolls.

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Tuesday, April 28, 2009

don't feel as tired as i did ytd.
went to ite macpherson in the morning.then by the time we came back to sch, classes were cancelled so we were released at eleven! haha.pure bliss. proceeded to J8 with whole class,basically the girls only. ate2,laughed2,puffed2 then went back hm. raining cats n dogs monkeys n donkeys but i stubbornly decided to soak in the rain cos i was feeling like it. came back hm all drenched. haha. talking about sch,all of a sudden,im thinking back about the sec sch days. i miss bal.zura.maz.fana.mid.celia.ifah & so many ppl moreee.isa.son.syam.fatin.haish.if i were to list all the names here,im sure the post wud be very long.lols. but i guess this is life, move on, meet new ppl, adapt to new changes then not long later, move on again & repeat the steps. haish. but some ppl wont b forgotten.like a famous proverb tts constantly being quoted, some friends come & go but some of them leave footprints in your heart. yea. sometin like tt uh.haha.ookaaaaay. moving on, whilst i was at macpherson jz nw, met many cute guys. haish.too bad bishan lacks them. seriously. its like my 4th day in sch,& no sign of any..oh some got uh, CHINESE,malays,indians. but tts ony like one or two:( haha.but nah, these are all jz eye candies. ntn more,ntn less.haha. my heart's only reserved for him-whose-name-we-do-not-mention. hahaaaaa. seriously,i've decided aftr tt day, if i were to get into a relationship anytime soon,it wont be with anyone else,just him. cos like many other girls, wen i went out tt day,i was subconsciously judging him & comparing him to my previous guys tt i've been out with. noone ever comes close to the delicate & polite way in which he treated me. jz makes me smile like a loony thinking about it nw. lols. & scarily, during my loooooooooong,alooooooone mrt rides to sch, sometimes, lil incidents of tt day wud b replaying in my head & i wud jz smile suddenly. so far, i hope noone has noticed.haha. okay.enough about him.

feeling estactic nw. sch strts at nine tmr & ends at twelve! i mean, wow. seriously. tt wud b a breeze man.
ayts then.
take care ppl.

Monday, April 27, 2009

& just wen i decided im going to be angry with dad bcos of last nite, i cant. cos hes my dad, n i've disappointed him in life, & he jz randomly massaged my neck jz nw aftr we fought last nite. haish.ntn better than family love~
nights loves.

im feeling lethargic nw. seriously. no energy. but im still ever-ready to recount the details of my life for these past few days. :D
sat nite, otf with f.
told him abt sad news tt i couldnt make it cos ade kenduri. he brought it forward to sun aftr madrasah. so im like, ok.heh
met him ard my area, with my jacket covering my head cos i stubbornly refused to brg umbrella dwn.hahs. then went to play pool. haha. i totally suck at it cos it was my first time. but he was still so patient & contd ajar-ing. :D
then went to t1,kedai mcky. oh pure bliss. :D
had donut empire later on, couldnt finish, he sent me back hm :D , & of all the people, we saw my kakak. haha. forced him to take bck the remainder of the donuts cos i was stuffed. went home feeling happy skali. haha. the only part where i felt dumb,like stupidly dumb,was the certain "electricity" i felt wen he touched my hips whilst we were playing pool. haha. bloody NONSENSE sia. seriously. i felt so stupid, i was mentally scolding myself. ahha. oh well,njoyable trip. hope to repeat it again & again & again.i mean,seriously, aftr so many years? hahs. 24th.26th. memorable days.

moving on, going to Machpherson Ite tmr for a talk in the morning. jz happy tt class is cancelled so i'll b released earlier. yayness.
ayts then. update soon enough.
take care people.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

school's been ok lately. no pressure YET i guess. lots of presentations done, ppl there dont seem to have a problem voicing out their opinions & arguing about anything. its refreshing & sorta expected uh cos like future teachers right? should have no problem voicing out their thoughts. anyways, there are double standards in this course, just recently, the section head came to talk to us about the course n stuff, & she touched two very important issues. ECH tudents aren't supposed to smoke & show PDA in public with their significant other. i mean,ok la, some ppl can get a lil carried away with the PDA thingy, but smoking? tts like, unfair. i mean, even if ur a teacher, u can have a life right? no bfs. bla3. oh well, once again,im just voicing out my thoughts. not gonna go on a strike or anything.lols.im just grateful i have one kaki in my class though. HEH. so far, im really enjoying the lessons & the classmates. the ONE & ONLY thing i dont really like about going to sch is that, I STILL DONT HAVE A FREAKING UNIFORM! which also translates into, ppl staring at me like im an alien from Venus EVERYWHERE i go! lucky for me, i've managed to avoid staring back at them or anything, but trust me, its really hard. oh well.

went to f's pit ytd. had a great time laughing & eating & seeing him.HEH. i was freaking burning there, cos the sun was like directly shining down on me n sis. ate the mee whilst holding a file on my left hand to cover my face.hahs. as usual, he was being hilariously annoying, laughed & laughed whilst sis constanly asked me how i could stand talking to him.lols. was happy that nite though.hee.
the only downturn is tt, i wont be able to go out wit him on the planned date cos ALL OF A SUDDEN,ade kenduri. pfft. have yet to tell him though. & i was really looking forward to it. haish.

went to SATA just now for my medical chkup. first time seyy take X RAY.urine test,blood test.height & weight. oh ya, IVE GROWN I THINK. no more confusing my heights! im 156 already tau! hahs. but weight still 46 uh. gotta collect my report on tues, the day i end sch the latest.pfft.
anyways, while i was in the bus going back to tamp with sis, an issue surfaced in my mind. okay, its true that for gys or girls, PHYSICAL appearance is the main thing that brings them together. like, if u see a cute guy, u'd be attracted to him,similarly for guys, pretty thing walks past, & ur eyes drop out. but what i really want to know is tt, like,after a period of getting to know the person, wud u still b attracted to the person due to his/her looks or personality? would there be a case where a person just sticks with the other person based on his/her looks or body? its really scary to think of it tt way but no matter how depressing that may sound, i think tiz kinda thg really happens nowadays.spking from experience & i dont wish to elaborate on that.
oh well, i guess wen it really gets serious & you, as an individual like the person for who he/she is, nt based on popularity/influence or physical appearance. & to ensusre that the other person feels the same way too, take some time to really get to know the person. but then again, this is just my point of view.everyone's entitled to their own opinions right?

till here then, will update soon enough.
tc sweets. loves~

Love: a wildly misunderstood although highly desirable malfunction of the heart which weakens the brain, causes eyes to sparkle, cheeks to glow, blood pressure to rise and the lips to pucker.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

like, finally uh.
Ite Bishan, Early Childhood Education.
yep2. aced interview. today was the first day of sch,
wen i went there, tchr wanted to lie to the students sayin tt im the new lecturer.
so, wen i went in the class, everyone was saying HI. then salam2, hi-fived here & there. then wen the teacher said i was the new lecturer, they were like freaking out.
overall, the course is really interesting. learnt abt small kids, infants, characteristics bla3. it was just kinda hard for me to really concentrate for long cos my brain seems kinda dead after so long.
anyways, friday lessons end at 3, & tt totally sucks for this week cs i have the pit coming up & i cant go late due to some reasons, so im in a huge dilemma nw.
a bad idea is toying ard my head right about nw, which is to skip the class after my brk.
heheee.bt dunn0 la. see how.
f's also asked me out one of these days, initial plan was next week, but apparently, i have sch nw, so perhaps on a wkend or smtn. heeee. haaaaaaapppppppy nad.
ok.i've recounted the happy2 details of my life in this past few days.
will update sooon.
tc peeps.

Monday, April 20, 2009

its sad how i can be there for 2 particular people when they need someone to lean on so much, but when i need their help, they're to busy to even think about it.
anyways, will b havin an interview at ite bishan later on. i'll update u peeps on how it went ayts.

last sat, when out with dearest bff's. isa & sonia. went to try the shisha.sheesha.haha i miss them like crazy, it was great meeting up & catching up with each other's lives. had fun talking crap & basically doing what girls do when they meet up. haish. i miss sec sch days. anyways, heres some pix i stole from isa's blog...

moving on, im startin to not look forward to the 24th. i hate it wen he gets all self-centered & whiny. i mean, he doesnt whine or anything, thank god. but, he cant expect me to be thr wenever he's free right? like, i have a freaking life to lead too ayts. sadly, i dont & never will have the guts to tell him this. oh well, like wad me n isa agreed upon, guys are more complicated than u can imagine. what with all the hint-droppings, eh isa? so its been three nights where i've not really spoken to him, n im trying to ignore it. deactivated my incoming in a fit of rage ytd. he replied like an hour later so i just told him, gnite~
i guess i shd strt doing tt more often. leave him hanging like how he does.
going off to airport later, granny's flying off to Australia,Melbourne to join aunt there. jeez, daddy wont have any close relatives in sg anymore i guess. & wont be surprised if he wants to migrate there someday.
okays then, gtg nw.
tc ppl.
oh yea, i knw tiz may be a lil late but for all my dearest friends who are strting sch today,

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

went bowling @ safra a few days back with aunt,cuzzies & siblings. i lost bigbig time. haha. it was so bad that i think if my 2 year old cuzzy had participated, i would have lost to him too. haha.
anyways, days have been passing by eventlessly. ntn much to update abt. ony thing looking forward too is the pit tts cmin up. though i dont knw if i shd go bcos of 2 reasons. i dont want to meet that guy. secondly, i dont want to make thgs akward btwn me n f. lols. he'll be going on & on faster than an mrt train so i'll be lost half the time thr. oh well. still havent planned my outfit for that & for the 8th of may. lala.
went to tampines one ytd. the queue outside the new japanese store is ridiculously long., personally, i dont think the clothes are tt attractive either. but oh well, diff ppl,diff taste. even heard an old man swearing to his friend wen he saw the queue. lols. bought myself a ring, cantik skali.so the halus with a lil stone in the middle. didnt get the chance to enter MCKY cos was wit ppl who werent interested in tt.but i swear im gonna get my hands on smtn from there. hahs. overall, i think the mall is quite big. & they must b making fcuking loads of money by the way ppl were streaming in non-stop.
listening to cinta adam & hawa, misha omar's voice sure is magical.
toodless ppl~
mental note to myself: im not gonna let myself get carried away by whatever HINTS he's dropping. Nonono.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

im feeling supersuper moody now. at this very moment.i have NO idea why.
i was fine earlier. went jogging, played swings.went afghan.all good mood. oh well, guess its the time of the month thingy. lols.
& i wish someone could jz stab me 101 times in the stomach this very instant. i did smtn extremely wrong today.first,i overslept & didnt go to madrasah. secondly, k this one must be unforgivable. i was text messaging my assholic ex jz now. before someone punches me in the gut or bitch slaps me, if it would make me feel less guiltier, he was the one who msged first. i was jz replying. hee.
maybe thats why im feeling moody. nahhh!
anyways, life just about sucks now. hisap. ahha. but im trying to make light of situation as best as i can. do me a favour dearest friends, DONT ASK ME ABOUT SCH UNLESS I TELL YOU SOMETHING.
thank you.simple actions like this would be deeply appreciated.

finally told dad i dyed my hair. it went like this,
me: cos i dyed it.
DAD: why dye hair all?
da.tu je. lucky me he didnt give me the talk about halal/non halal dye. if its any consolation to him, the one i bought had a freaking halal stamp there. haha.
ayts then.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Life's been a bitch to me. Literally.
I dont intend to write it all out here. but its been really tough for me. cried, & the tears are like never ending. i hate feeling this way,but i cant help it. then finally, today, i turned to God. ahhh.the relief of praying & pouring out yr problems there is like taking the whole heavy weight, the ton of lead off my shoulders. aftr tt,i felt considerably better & livelier. went jogging to sunplaza park,played the swings there, met a cute guy*, went back. & now im leaving it all upto Him. Insyallah, Im sure,He will show me the way.
moving on to lighter things, F has been the sweetest ever this past few days. he knows wad im going thru, & hes been trying hes hardest to just make me feel better. sucha nice gesture.i likeeeeeee. haha. at times wen im jz too tired to even talk to anyone,let alone smile, a message from him wud jz brighten up the moment. its nice to have someone like this in yr life.
k da enough. mcm da boring gtu.
tooodles ppl~

Sunday, April 5, 2009

I Love You is an 8 letter phrase
But then again, so is Bull Shit

its been a longlong time since i last updated because i have been to caught up with games in the computer.haha.all this gaming websites have influenced me so much, i play games almost everyday for long hours,haha. & seriously, im getting sick of staying at home, doing the same old same old. as much as i love getting up anytime i want to, i yearn for somewhere to go to everyday. i want my life to go back into school routine once again. oh for people who dont know, i didnt get into rp. awaiting higher nitec results. pls dont bother me by asking wad sch im in unless i tell you or post it up here cos im sick & tired of repeating myself to the whole world. no offense,but im only human. :)meanwhile, im feeling extremely bored with staying at home, doing hsewrk, going out, slacking wit ppl, going librarymborrowing books & reading till 3 in the morning.seriously. hahs. & i know FOR SURE tt once i strt sch, i wud be craving for this carefree life im leading nw but oh well, when are human beings ever satisfied with what they have right?
he invited me somewhere later in this month. im contemplating whether to go or not..since the date seems so far away, i can never confirm anything yet. but if i could, i wud surely want to go although it wud be a lil strange.seeing him after
talking for so long.haha. oh well,lets not jinx the day then. im tired of thinking about it. yea, call me childish or immature, but i've been thinking of the day ever since he told me about it. & im like, hmm, how wud the day go? what wud i wear? bla3. crapp sia nad. seriously. this month of April marks the 9th month i've been single. its a record im willing to lengthen. hahs. but now & then, i keep on wondering, what will happen tmr? or wud i get attched by the end of the week? wud i fall for someone tonite? haha. so insecure. but i know,i wouldnt fall for anyone tt easily now, based on experience of the past. lalalaaaaaaaa.currently,i certainly dont feel like talking to anyone. haha. maybe its cause i knw tt in a few mins time, there wud b guests over & im not in the mood for them. urgh. wanna go jogging tmr, See, when other ppl have SCHOOL, i can go jogging just to fill up my morning. hahs. i guess im just gonna be thankful for now la eh. who knows, i might regret my words later. c ya soon~

Before you find your handsome prince,
You've got to kiss a lot of frogs.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

i love ya bf. MWAH MWAH. oh yea, once agn, sorry seribu kali sorry fer jz nw. im sucha bitch. anyways, i know you wont hate me?! haha. & don't worry, you wont get a card like yr 16th bdae.haha.(u knw,i knw,they dont knw) best.

anyways, its so fcking hawt nwadays, i can go out naked.