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Oh hello. I am Narah and I am 18. Dark chocolates,marshmallows and novels are my favorite things.

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Words from Before It's Too Late by Goo Goo Dolls.

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Saturday, April 25, 2009

school's been ok lately. no pressure YET i guess. lots of presentations done, ppl there dont seem to have a problem voicing out their opinions & arguing about anything. its refreshing & sorta expected uh cos like future teachers right? should have no problem voicing out their thoughts. anyways, there are double standards in this course, just recently, the section head came to talk to us about the course n stuff, & she touched two very important issues. ECH tudents aren't supposed to smoke & show PDA in public with their significant other. i mean,ok la, some ppl can get a lil carried away with the PDA thingy, but smoking? tts like, unfair. i mean, even if ur a teacher, u can have a life right? no bfs. bla3. oh well, once again,im just voicing out my thoughts. not gonna go on a strike or anything.lols.im just grateful i have one kaki in my class though. HEH. so far, im really enjoying the lessons & the classmates. the ONE & ONLY thing i dont really like about going to sch is that, I STILL DONT HAVE A FREAKING UNIFORM! which also translates into, ppl staring at me like im an alien from Venus EVERYWHERE i go! lucky for me, i've managed to avoid staring back at them or anything, but trust me, its really hard. oh well.

went to f's pit ytd. had a great time laughing & eating & seeing him.HEH. i was freaking burning there, cos the sun was like directly shining down on me n sis. ate the mee whilst holding a file on my left hand to cover my face.hahs. as usual, he was being hilariously annoying, laughed & laughed whilst sis constanly asked me how i could stand talking to him.lols. was happy that nite though.hee.
the only downturn is tt, i wont be able to go out wit him on the planned date cos ALL OF A SUDDEN,ade kenduri. pfft. have yet to tell him though. & i was really looking forward to it. haish.

went to SATA just now for my medical chkup. first time seyy take X RAY.urine test,blood test.height & weight. oh ya, IVE GROWN I THINK. no more confusing my heights! im 156 already tau! hahs. but weight still 46 uh. gotta collect my report on tues, the day i end sch the latest.pfft.
anyways, while i was in the bus going back to tamp with sis, an issue surfaced in my mind. okay, its true that for gys or girls, PHYSICAL appearance is the main thing that brings them together. like, if u see a cute guy, u'd be attracted to him,similarly for guys, pretty thing walks past, & ur eyes drop out. but what i really want to know is tt, like,after a period of getting to know the person, wud u still b attracted to the person due to his/her looks or personality? would there be a case where a person just sticks with the other person based on his/her looks or body? its really scary to think of it tt way but no matter how depressing that may sound, i think tiz kinda thg really happens nowadays.spking from experience & i dont wish to elaborate on that.
oh well, i guess wen it really gets serious & you, as an individual like the person for who he/she is, nt based on popularity/influence or physical appearance. & to ensusre that the other person feels the same way too, take some time to really get to know the person. but then again, this is just my point of view.everyone's entitled to their own opinions right?

till here then, will update soon enough.
tc sweets. loves~

Love: a wildly misunderstood although highly desirable malfunction of the heart which weakens the brain, causes eyes to sparkle, cheeks to glow, blood pressure to rise and the lips to pucker.