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Oh hello. I am Narah and I am 18. Dark chocolates,marshmallows and novels are my favorite things.

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Words from Before It's Too Late by Goo Goo Dolls.

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Sunday, April 5, 2009

I Love You is an 8 letter phrase
But then again, so is Bull Shit

its been a longlong time since i last updated because i have been to caught up with games in the computer.haha.all this gaming websites have influenced me so much, i play games almost everyday for long hours,haha. & seriously, im getting sick of staying at home, doing the same old same old. as much as i love getting up anytime i want to, i yearn for somewhere to go to everyday. i want my life to go back into school routine once again. oh for people who dont know, i didnt get into rp. awaiting higher nitec results. pls dont bother me by asking wad sch im in unless i tell you or post it up here cos im sick & tired of repeating myself to the whole world. no offense,but im only human. :)meanwhile, im feeling extremely bored with staying at home, doing hsewrk, going out, slacking wit ppl, going librarymborrowing books & reading till 3 in the morning.seriously. hahs. & i know FOR SURE tt once i strt sch, i wud be craving for this carefree life im leading nw but oh well, when are human beings ever satisfied with what they have right?
he invited me somewhere later in this month. im contemplating whether to go or not..since the date seems so far away, i can never confirm anything yet. but if i could, i wud surely want to go although it wud be a lil strange.seeing him after
talking for so long.haha. oh well,lets not jinx the day then. im tired of thinking about it. yea, call me childish or immature, but i've been thinking of the day ever since he told me about it. & im like, hmm, how wud the day go? what wud i wear? bla3. crapp sia nad. seriously. this month of April marks the 9th month i've been single. its a record im willing to lengthen. hahs. but now & then, i keep on wondering, what will happen tmr? or wud i get attched by the end of the week? wud i fall for someone tonite? haha. so insecure. but i know,i wouldnt fall for anyone tt easily now, based on experience of the past. lalalaaaaaaaa.currently,i certainly dont feel like talking to anyone. haha. maybe its cause i knw tt in a few mins time, there wud b guests over & im not in the mood for them. urgh. wanna go jogging tmr, See, when other ppl have SCHOOL, i can go jogging just to fill up my morning. hahs. i guess im just gonna be thankful for now la eh. who knows, i might regret my words later. c ya soon~

Before you find your handsome prince,
You've got to kiss a lot of frogs.