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Oh hello. I am Narah and I am 18. Dark chocolates,marshmallows and novels are my favorite things.

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Words from Before It's Too Late by Goo Goo Dolls.

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Thursday, March 26, 2009

today at around 4 plus, i broke the virginty.....OF MY HAIR! haha. ok, it wasnt really a virgin since i rebonded it, but ok, i dyed it,tapi tkde pape. haha.stkt skit2 je. hahs. oh well. jz came back from Allahyarham Haikal's home. 3rd day kenduri. tired, sick, n sleepy, i think? been out the wholeee day. haish. so maybe, tmr, will go off to swimming pool alone. relaxxxx a lil. ayts then ppl, toodles.

Monday, March 23, 2009

last night, i received a call from sonia,she delivered shocking news to me about the passing on of one of our seniors. the line was cut short but i knew she was making her way thr at tt time. i was too shocked & my mouth was just wide open for a few seconds aftr the phone call. i was never close to him but i'd definitely spoken to him & seen him around my area loads of times bcos he lives nearby. it was pretty hard to digest bcos it was unexpected & it really made me realise how short life can be sometimes. but whatever it is,i know tt all i can offer now is my prayers for him. May God's mercy to be with the departed, in hopes that he will find peace and happiness in the life to come. Al-Fatihah.

attended ifah dear's bdae party on sunday. it was fun2,seeing all the faces of friends tt i've missed for so long. it was also nice to see all the faces of ex classmates. bonding2 here n there, it was nice. despite the innumerable amount of tme spent making fun of my voice, i enjoyed myself. ye la, da season wit everyone talking about MY voice. thrs ntn wrong wit it, i swear. haha. anyways, ifah has finaly turned TEN! yay to her! the cake was super di duper la. so chocolatey.i likeeeee. then we ate2 somemore, joked2 around, puffed2,then headed home. & surprisingly, i forgot totally to snap at least a picture with the bdae girl so,i have absolutely no pictures to remember that day. but,if u go around other ppl's blogs, thr wud be one picture of me smiling with a chicken drumstick. hahaaa.embarassing, but OH WELL.
toodles ppl~

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Don't look forward to the day you stop suffering, because when it comes, you'll know you're dead.
Profanity is the adjective of the feeble minded.

I think its undeniable & sad that discrimination exists everywhere in the world. Discrimination against Blacks( in the states), discrimination against inferior races, discrimination against the slightly bigger sized ppl, disrimination against older ppl, discrimination against ppl with lower IQ( i refuse to say the word stupid) & loads of others,im sure, that thank god i don't know about. Discrimination against a certain group of people is unfair & at times, seeing that it exists everywhere, its sad. Because, its these kinda things tt exist hugely in some ppl's lives that totally changes their whole perspective in life & their character. I have a certain friend who faces discrimnation from almost everyone in his life except from his own parents. & this changes his whole personality. He sorts of has an armor built around him from any comments that might be destructive. He also has an extremely sharp knife that stabs anyone who says anything that he THINKS is critisising him in anyway. Basically,he becomes extremely sensitive. Just yestrerday, i was talking about the silly DAE application that is still processing my results to go into Republic Poly. He's in an ITE,mind you. When the topic was over, he started talking about his driving lessons,bla3. then he mentioned the word TP. me, being ver unfamiliar with all these road language, i laughed & said to him ,haha, TP sounds like Temasek Poly. then he was like,(immediately defensive mode on) yela.org da nk masuk poly can only think of this kinda things related to POLY wad. as much as i didnt want to feel offended, i did. cos i didnt mean for it to be that way,like, talking about poly non-stop. & then on second thought,i felt sorry for him. luckily, i've known him for quite sometime now so i know tt he didnt really mean to be sarcastic to me, its just him being defensive because of all this ppl in his life who have been discriminating him. the thing is, i do not understand why is there such a big HOO HA over ite's & polys. In my opinion, i think that everywhere, its just the same. its just the certificate that differentiates the schools. & mind you ppl who think i'm only saying this just because i got offered some Higher Nitec courses. I just fail to see why some ppl are so dead-on in looking down on ite students. As far as im concerned, i heard that the demand for ITE students are certainly higher than diploma holders. Then again, im not saying that going into an ite is better than a poly. The point is, i just think there is no difference in both tertiary schools. Its the people, the students that makes the difference. Right? But one thing im impressed about by this certain friend of mine is his will power & determination. He just never gives up & its this drive in him that is attractive. He's going far in life, & i can't say im not happy for him cos certainly,he's got a lot of ppl to prove wrong. I guess i should start doing the same thing to cos, as much as i cant be bothered with some ppl who looks down on my family or me, one day,i just would love to prove them wrong & make then stumped. haha. oh well, this post has become extremly long & boring im sure to u ppl.lols. I just felt the need to relieve this thing on discrimination that's been on my mind for so long. So ppl, stop discriminating, cos you may never know just how much the victim may get affected by it. But of course, there's no way we can put a complete stop to it. After all, we are just mere human beings.

Relationships are hard. It's like a full time job, and we should treat it like one. If your boyfriend or girlfriend wants to leave you, they should give you two weeks' notice. There should be severance pay, and before they leave you, they should have to find you a temp. haha.+

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Its annoying how sometimes, when you want the best for someone else, & they misunderstand your actions, & it all backfires on you, making you the bad guy. Take for example an incident tt jz occured. was sppsed to go out wit mom today. Suddenly, i didnt feel good at all. felt like puking, stomach was doing multiple flips, & it affected my whole mood, didnt felt like going out & didnt want to ruin mom's day with my sour face & sucky attitude due to watever that's happening in my stomach so i told her to go alone cos i felt fcuked up. & there she goes saying that its ok la. u dont have to force yourself to follow me. i can go myself. then merajuk-ed. & i'm like, even if i follow you, i would make the whole day sucky for the both of us, & we'd both be miserable. & btw, im feeling sick!? did she get my point? HELL NO. so now, she's left the house, angry with me. & i just can't be bothered to argue or whatever. let her think whatever she wants to, cos i know tt i wished well, i just didnt want to ruin her day with my sucky mood. sheeeesh. anyways, went to lie down a while after that, fell asleep, & dreamt a stupid horrible dream. i dreamt i actually patched with my ex. yea, & we were at the place we met the very first time. but the only difference between now & the past was tt, NOW,after we'd patched, i felt more IN CONTROL in the relationship. & it felt good. no more listening to whatever he said. it was either my way or nothing at all. haha. so i guess, if i were to ever patch up with him, i would want it to be that way, that'll be the only consolation i'll have. ye la, da ludah abe jilat balik, ish~ haissh, i need to puff a few man. i feel so fcked up & my stomach's topsy turvy once again.
toodles darlings~
the most crapped picture. yea,im not smiling, my LOST face holding a skull locket.haha!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

After a while, you realise the difference between holding a hand & falling in love. You begin to learn that kisses don't always mean something,promises can be broken just as quickly as they are made. & goodbyes are really forever.

haha. learnt this in a puppet show. anyways,
i've come to one conclusion. & whether its right or wrong, its up to you ppl to decide. I'm only stating my opinion, & that's all that matters here. heh. as i was saying,
i've come to a conclusion about something that concerns straight females. haha.
okay, not in general, maybe..whatever la.haiyo.
ok, let's say, ur single, & you're getting to know many different guys,some of whom have left an impression on you, & some who haven't(which are the ones whom ur not really interested in). lets name them A B C. say, ur interested in A. he's good looking, he's everything u want in a guy & the best part is, he wants to get to know YOU. then, after a while, you realise that, hey,,he seems too good to be true. then you understand that there are other girls in the world who also thinks that he wants to get to know THEM & ONLY THEM. so, obviously,he isnt the serious,one girl only kinda guy. there, blown away. then comes B. hes not as nice as A. but he wants to get to know you,& hes serious about it. but, there are too many flaws, & you quickly lose interest in him though he's constantly bugging you. hes serious, remember? then comes C. an average looker, who seems quite interesting & most importantly, able to sustain your interest long enough for you to notice him. & yea, he wants to get to know YOU. butbutbut, hes the ON/OFF type. he shows u that he is very much interested, he compliments you often, he does everything any boy wud do to impress a girl he likes. BUT, he doesnt really know if you are what he wants. & isn't it sad how you can fall for him when he isn't even sure of his own feelings? & in case any of you who knows me very well think that im talking about F here, you're wrong. F isnt someone i'd classify as "getting to know" hes a friend.fullstop. anyways,tis is it. guys are complicated. nono, they're not. they make things complicated & they blame us girls for being complicated. lols. one more thing, as much as some guys with bikes impress me, i often get disappointed. like, in the past, & now, there are guys i know who are like the "getting to know" stage who own bikes & are schling. & they show me their bikes, bla3. but then, they complain that they dont have enough money for this & for that, so,there it is. im only impressed for a short while. the thing is, im not the kinda person who goes GAGA over material shite. but if you're gonna showoff to a girl tt you've got a freaking bike & bla3, den make sure you have all it takes,geddit. don't expect the girl to pay for your meals at at date just because, EG: the oil price has shot up. haha. but on the contrary, i heard the oil prices have gone down hasn't it? lols.
Once again,if anything in this post has angered you or made u go " what the fcuk is she ranting about?" i'm here to remind you ppl tt im not critising anyone. all these ppl i've wrote about here are ppl only i know, so its my life story.its my opinion & the very fact that you're here means tt you want to read about what I have to say. So, erase any angry thoughts from ur head ayts. Stop clenching your fists. haha.

If you can't handle me at my worse, Then you certainly don't deserve me at my best.



ayts, wasn't able to follow sonia dear to camp cos of some reasons.
nevertheless, today, followed abg to KK hospital. his friend, or should i say "gf", was admitted there. had lotsa laughters & teasing here & there. she was really nice & easy to get along with. then sent her home, to TOA PAYOH. luckily, we were in a cab, but as we were otw to her house,passed by the places where i used to walk2 along with ex. i so remember the places like the back of my hand. haha. anyways, went to her house, & her kakak & mom was super nice. had asam pedas,haha & coffee. as for today,i've had enough of coffee man. like da puassss.dlm hospital minom kopi. kat rumah tu pon minom kopi.haha. then, we took a bus home. imagine, from toa payoh to tamp, in a freezingfreezing bus. skali, both of us da tkle tahan, turon kat kembangan mrt sttn, g toilet.HAHA. den took the mrt home. hahs.mcm org kaye gtu eh, turon bus jz to go toilet. yela, duit mak bpk petik dari pokok peee. so,now im here, at home, watching jurassic park, blogging,chatting with amir. tmr, maybe aftr madrasah, following mommy to jemputan. wooo.da lamerrrrrr sey tk gi org kawin. miss nasi minyak. haha. yea, the main reason i drag myself along to jemputan's is because of the food.haha. but of course, if the food is crap, then my whole journey there wud be a total waste of make-up & time. haha.okays then, update soon enough.
gdbyes.love you ppl~

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

"You shouldn't compare yourself to others they are more screwed up than you think."

woahh.its been so long since i last updated. lots n lots of stuff have happened in my life lately. strange, annoying,funny. haha.
let's see, i remember the day i went to meet derest ballll. haha. tt day sure was weird for us. its like, almost everywhere we went, there were miang ppl alllll around. allllllllll around. all these old men were like staring at us, honking their lorries, eeeish. then there was once, we were walking along a pathway, a taxi past us & the taxi driver was honking2 non-stop. we both looked up, n i didnt notice anything amiss so i looked down. tt was wen bal went,"ewwww" then i realised, the taxi driver was actually facing us, honking,trying to gain our attention cos he was fcuking POUTING his lips at us. & IT WAS DISGUSTING. his face la. sheesh. mom also noticed these kinda ppl ard. & she said it was because of the recession. 38000 ppl getting retrenched, these ppl are just frustrated & have nothing/noone to vent their anger on thus, innocent ppl like us get affected.haha. reasonable enough but still?! scaryy seyy.. then, the days tt followed were just spent at aunt's place. helpin mom out, tutoring cuzzy. haish. oh yea, there was a time, wen i wanted to go home earlier from aunt's place. confident2 da balik,,skali tkde kunci + noone at hm + left hp at hm earlier wen i went to aunt's place + i was damn hungry+ low blood pressure signs showing up = HELPLESS SAMPAI NAK BUNOH DIRI SIA. so went to econ, called abg, asked him to rush home cos i was alone & alone. haha. then went to wait for abg at study corner, smpi sane lak, all those hooligans were there. kakak's ex group... alaaaamak. ble mati seyy, but because i didnt want to faint infront of them, i jz sat there & drank MILO & puffed a few sticks. & thankfully, nothing happened. we were all like strangers. so yea,i guess evrytin's cool. haha. now tt was a super annoying day man. then up till today, ntn much happened. evrytin's sorta become routine already. last sat, only aunt in dad's side migrated to Melbourne,Australia. haish. i'm sure gonna miss her kecohness man. then on the 20th of April, nenek's gonna go. Kirekan, dad's side, noone close to us would be in Singapore anymore. haissh. & scary part is, dad is thinking of migrating to Australia too.. im so scared man....
one more thing, im startin to notice something in F's behaviour. he's changed totally, for the worst. & i dont like it one bit. its surprising how nowadays,wen he msges, i like MALAS NAK LAYAN. & i don't find his new character attractive one bit. its so different & shocking la. haish. oh well,

OH YESSS. GUESS WAD UH. This month, March, I've officially been SINGLE for EIGHT8LAPAN FREAKING AWESOME MONTHS! haha. recordddddd seyy! haha.happy skali saye.

k then, tired of typing, i love you ppl.

Monday, March 2, 2009

One day,your prince will come. Mine just took a wrong turn, got lost, and is too stubborn to ask for directions~

today morn, around 1030? mom called. accidentally cut her finger. so, i had to go thr to help her out wit cuzzies. & will be doing so for the next few days. & time n again, i tell myself,im only doing this for mommy. im only tolerating adek's tantrums for mummy. im only cleaning up the kitchen for mommy. im only folding THEIR clothes for mommy. & LAST WARNING sia i wanna stay there! haha. so yea, i guess life wont be too hard. haha. oh well, talked to dearest sonia just now, i miss her so damn much, as usual, we talked about some silly ppl & as usual, we were laughing our heads off. & as usual, mom wanted to use the phone,so had to hang up.gawd, i miss tt laydeee so much. glad i'll be mitin bal soon. i miss everyone close to me. yea, take note,close to me. hahs,only sonia would understand tt emphasis of tt sentence. haha.
so yea, its been, 8-9 days tt i havent contacted f. i feel so weird, like,usually,he msgs or smtn even though he KNOWS my prpd's low. hmm. i miss him. & i hated myself for saying wad i said to sonia, tt i don't know if im over him. i guess i dont really like telling the truth to myself.haha.pathetic sia nad. oh welll. i miss hiM! geddit. im not used to a guy treating me this way, as in, not contacting me. wait,do i sound like a stuck up bitch? haha. ppl who understand wad i mean would understand. hahs. yea, so,i hate him treating me this way, YOUR NOT SUPPOSED TOO ok? best. just u wait babey. im gonna hit you harddddd. ok, tt sentences was crapp. but seriously,i hate this treatment & yea, i know i've done tt too him, but he dont have to do the sammmmmeeeeeeeeeeeee! argh.
anyways, viewed bal's blog just now, & watched the vids. omg. after watching tt,i realise how much how much really, i miss the class. i miss bal(no doubt), midzi,celia,maz,zura,ifah,khai,fana,jiamin & sooo many other ppl! as in, the WHOLE CLASS LA! argghh.why do the years pass by so fast. why oh why. kenapeeeeeeee? arghh.

moving on, u knw,i've heard of this silly phrase: *§omewhere There'§ §omeone Who Dream§ Of Your §mile, And Find§ In Your Pre§ence That Life I§ Worth While, §o When You Are Lonely, Remember It'§ True: §omebody, §omewhere Is Thinking Of You.

how can you be so sure there is?! seriously,? pls,someone,anyone who's got an opinion,feel free to enlighten me.hahs.

"Sometimes ur mind doesnt want u 2 be in love..but deep down u know you are."

"If you really love something,set it free. If it comes back,its yours. If it doesn't,its never meant to be"

yea,im bored,cant sleep, & im looking at all these quotes on the net. gotta problem? haha.
k then. gnite ppl! i love you!

I always knew looking back on the tears would make me laugh,
But I never knew looking back on the laughs would make me cry