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Oh hello. I am Narah and I am 18. Dark chocolates,marshmallows and novels are my favorite things.

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Words from Before It's Too Late by Goo Goo Dolls.

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Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Don't look forward to the day you stop suffering, because when it comes, you'll know you're dead.
Profanity is the adjective of the feeble minded.

I think its undeniable & sad that discrimination exists everywhere in the world. Discrimination against Blacks( in the states), discrimination against inferior races, discrimination against the slightly bigger sized ppl, disrimination against older ppl, discrimination against ppl with lower IQ( i refuse to say the word stupid) & loads of others,im sure, that thank god i don't know about. Discrimination against a certain group of people is unfair & at times, seeing that it exists everywhere, its sad. Because, its these kinda things tt exist hugely in some ppl's lives that totally changes their whole perspective in life & their character. I have a certain friend who faces discrimnation from almost everyone in his life except from his own parents. & this changes his whole personality. He sorts of has an armor built around him from any comments that might be destructive. He also has an extremely sharp knife that stabs anyone who says anything that he THINKS is critisising him in anyway. Basically,he becomes extremely sensitive. Just yestrerday, i was talking about the silly DAE application that is still processing my results to go into Republic Poly. He's in an ITE,mind you. When the topic was over, he started talking about his driving lessons,bla3. then he mentioned the word TP. me, being ver unfamiliar with all these road language, i laughed & said to him ,haha, TP sounds like Temasek Poly. then he was like,(immediately defensive mode on) yela.org da nk masuk poly can only think of this kinda things related to POLY wad. as much as i didnt want to feel offended, i did. cos i didnt mean for it to be that way,like, talking about poly non-stop. & then on second thought,i felt sorry for him. luckily, i've known him for quite sometime now so i know tt he didnt really mean to be sarcastic to me, its just him being defensive because of all this ppl in his life who have been discriminating him. the thing is, i do not understand why is there such a big HOO HA over ite's & polys. In my opinion, i think that everywhere, its just the same. its just the certificate that differentiates the schools. & mind you ppl who think i'm only saying this just because i got offered some Higher Nitec courses. I just fail to see why some ppl are so dead-on in looking down on ite students. As far as im concerned, i heard that the demand for ITE students are certainly higher than diploma holders. Then again, im not saying that going into an ite is better than a poly. The point is, i just think there is no difference in both tertiary schools. Its the people, the students that makes the difference. Right? But one thing im impressed about by this certain friend of mine is his will power & determination. He just never gives up & its this drive in him that is attractive. He's going far in life, & i can't say im not happy for him cos certainly,he's got a lot of ppl to prove wrong. I guess i should start doing the same thing to cos, as much as i cant be bothered with some ppl who looks down on my family or me, one day,i just would love to prove them wrong & make then stumped. haha. oh well, this post has become extremly long & boring im sure to u ppl.lols. I just felt the need to relieve this thing on discrimination that's been on my mind for so long. So ppl, stop discriminating, cos you may never know just how much the victim may get affected by it. But of course, there's no way we can put a complete stop to it. After all, we are just mere human beings.

Relationships are hard. It's like a full time job, and we should treat it like one. If your boyfriend or girlfriend wants to leave you, they should give you two weeks' notice. There should be severance pay, and before they leave you, they should have to find you a temp. haha.+