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Oh hello. I am Narah and I am 18. Dark chocolates,marshmallows and novels are my favorite things.

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Words from Before It's Too Late by Goo Goo Dolls.

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Wednesday, February 25, 2009



i wish my lawn was EMO, so that it would cut itself.
Sorry i missed church.i was busy practising witchcraft & becoming a lesbian.
(sexist one) They call it PMS cos mad cow disease is already taken.HAHA.
BEER, helping ugly people have great sex since 1862.

omg.this tags from tagged are hilarious.

i seriously dont get how some guys dont get the msg im trying soooosooosoo hard to pass to them. take for eg SP guy. hes been asking me out so many times & i've alwaysalways turned him down. the one time i met him was bcos i was super bored at hm n bcos he was just across my street.haha. then take, zubair,another guy in msn whos so keen in meeting. i cant possibly tell him straight to his face " hey,im not interested in you so stop bugging me." hahs. tt'll be so bitchy but still, he doesnt get the msg tt im not interested. aiyoo.wad can i do. maybe i should follow bal's advice, haha.JUST TELL THEM STRAIGHT TO THE FACE. life's unfair in stuffs like this, the one tt u reallyreally want to ask u out never asks u out, but all these uninteresting ones ask u out over n over again.haish. moving on, i had a strange dream tt day,it happened jz before subuh so its like,accrdg to some ppl,it will come true. i dreamt, i was attached.haha. i dunno who it is, but it doesnt look like anyone i know now. hahs. the guy had fairly chubby cheeks tts smooth & rosy pink.hahaaaaa. but he was thin. hahs,we were at this place, i couldnt see the exact location cos i was staring at him.WTF right? yea. &, he was laughing & we were like, happy seyy. i kissed him on the cheek & we walked away. now thinking back, the location we were at looked like a hotel room. HMMM. da2! dont think nonsense eh! pls! haha.
oh well, i wanna meet this strange person.he seems interesting.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

haha.this lil picture over here might be the most interesting one i've ever taken. & its all because of the comments i've gotten about it. besides the normal, sweet bla3, one guy said it was interesting, wen i asked why, he was like, it looks like a 3d cartoon. WTH? haha. another one said i look like harmon/kardon. i have no idea wad the hell tts supposed to mean. chked LONGMAN dictionary, no results. chked dictionary.com, no results. he sure is weird. oh well~

anyways,he sent me a wink ytd whilst we were chatting.it was a kiss wink. i was like, wth is tt supposed to mean? didnt ask, didnt find out. hahs. set up a TAGGED account recently. i've been having an account there for years, jz never signed in, so i tot, might as well sign in n freshen up my profile. tt website sure is wacky, u can like, buy someone there & have them as pets? haha. funny. ayts, ntn much to upload since my life this past few days have been, DUUUUUUULLLLLLLLLLL. hahs. toodles ppl~

Thursday, February 19, 2009

OUT OF REACH.Gabrielle.
Knew the signs
Wasn't right
I was stupid for a while
Swept away by you
A nd now i feel like a fool
So confused,
My hearts brused
Was i ever loved by you?

Out of reach, so far
I never had your heart
Out of reach,
Couldn't see
We were never meant to be

Catch myself
From despair
I could drown
If i stay here
Keeping busy everyday
I know i will be ok

But i was
So confused,
My hearts brused
Was i ever loved by you?

Out of reach, so far
i never had your heart
Out of reach
Couldn't see
We were never meant to be

So much hurt,
So much pain
Takes A while to regain
What is lost, inside
And i hope that in time
you'll be out of my mind
And i'll be over you

But now i'm
So confused,
My hearts brused
Was i ever loved by you?

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

ayts. about the previous post, all the misunderstandings have been kinda cleared up. told sis about wad K said. thus, she went to confront K to ask him why was he talking shit about us. he was shocked. n he said that it was BITCH(my ex)who was always approaching him in school & asking him if he's over my sis.WTF. no life sia. then hes always going "Irah this & Irah that bla3" K didnt really pay attention to wad he says cos K wasnt interested. im jz curios as to wad BITCH is saying cos if hes the sort who "kiss & tell" im so gonna fcuk him upside down. the only consolation i had was wen K called up BITCH to ask about all this that happened. BITCH had the cheek to LIE to K & said to him that he didnt tell me anything & that the msn conversation never took place. BLOODY SHIT sia. luckily K didnt believe him n screwed him till BITCH !!!APOLOGISED!!! to K. HAHAAA. nad sukerrrr skali.
k. called strange abu guy tt day. so he told me everything from a to z. he said he did ask for my number at interchange around last year. but he didnt contact me cos he lost his hp i think? then he saw my sis in his sch with K. & turns out, K is his friend. so he didnt wanna get to know me cos he said it felt weird or udnno wad shit la. n wad he said, like, he always sees me at 800 plus last year is true la cos i always slack around there if i cabot tuition.HAHA. so hes like, telling the truth la. im giving him the benefit of doubt. im jus gonna think tt yea,maybe i forgot i passed my number to him. maybe.yea.oh welllllll~
nad's tired of all this guysguysguysguys. single tu gerek ah.tapi ish, so many masalahs.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Im getting really worked up over this strange character from ITE SIMEI. says hes name is abu? wen i asked him how he got my number,he claimed that last year, he asked for my number at interchange. WTF. i've never passed anyone MY number at interchange,seriously. suspect kuat, my EX, sis suspects, her ex. wtf right.i know. so, this abu character is sending me all these fcking sweet msges la wen i dont even fcking know him. v day,he sent a msg, saying im always luved by him.WTF.WTF.WTF.
then, surprise surprise, EX opened conversation jz nw.
BITCH: hey.
me: wad u want?
BITCH: how r u?
me: great.never been better.
me: & u? (i was tryna be polite!)
BITCH: im good too.
BITCH: hows ur family?
me: they're great.
BITCH: ohkays.
(i decided i cant be a hypocrite by tryna be polite)
BITCH: u att?
me: nope.
me: & u?
BITCH: hmm.nope.
BITCH: so i heard tt day u n ur sis met k(sis's ex)(name protected in honour of the animal)
me: I MET K?
BITCH: yea.
me: who u heard from? he tell u?
BITCH: ya. he told me u met him, then u ignored him.
*wtf expression on face*
me: wen he tell u all this?
BITCH: last thurs i think. he told me u met him around last week.
*bigger wtf expression on face*
me: he told you I MET HIM?
BITCH: ya.ard last week. wait, why u askin all this? u wanna find prob ah?
*now seriously, WTF.*
me: hello, i got no time to find prob with all these kinda ppl ayts. n i didnt meet him kays.puhleasssssssse.
me: oh ya, how come u talkin to him? i tot u told me u HATE him?
* i had to be sarcastic*
BITCH: ya.
BITCH: hey,sry,i gtg nw.chat wit u soon kays? tc.bye.
me: yea,watever.bye.

its like, WTF right? seriously, like,wtf?! wad are these ppl's problems???? why are they bitching about ME wen i have got nothing to do with their pathetic messed up lives anymore???! wtfwtfwtf. told sis & she was like, "i can make the 2 of them fight u knw." hahs. i really dont understand wads their motive.lagi2 si binatang tu. doesnt make any sense right, if i wanna meet him,then WHY IN THE BLUE HELL would i fcking ignore him? AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. bdk2 nie sme tkde keje lain eh? just because they have noone to fcuk around in their miserable lives, then must kacau my innocent life?! gahhhhh. i swear,the next time, i see K, im gonna spit at him. i SWEAR.k not AT HIM, i wouldnt wanna get tt close to tt animal,but infront of him. sumpah.pasal kalau ade orang tk tau malu mcm gini, this is the only way. & im sure he'd be pissed off with tt action cos he's all about RESPECT!
oh yea, if BITCH ever opens another conversation with me, hes gonna get it cos he's bitched about me to K before, some really RIDICULOUS shit, n trying to bring my image down infront of K so, hes so gonna get it. INSYALLAH, i can make them fight by telling the fcking truth. haish,sad isnt it, all these supposedly GROWN & MATURE boys bitching about a small girl like me. sad life man.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

there's an interesting topic i wanna talk about here. it was triggered by something i hear ytd & something that i have experienced myself these past few years. its like, if a guy is interested in you & vice versa, its great right. except for one tiny weeny detail, JEALOUSY. as much as some girls enjoy the jealousy they get from their respective significant other, i dont really enjoy it. it can get kinda frustrating at times. like, if u hang out with some of your friends & your guy would be asking so many qns. whos tt? guy or girl? how long would u be with them. bla3. n another thing, i hate it wen guys have lowlow self esteem. like, if something happens, then they'll go, " ah nvm la. im not good enough for u.u go ahead n go with someone else la if you want to." i get the feeling that guys do that so that we girls would think they're so nice & compromising. & they want girls to pity their sorry state. well, i hateee it. its like,u dont say that if ur interested in a girl. like, if u wan a girl, then you gotta fight for het. obviously, i dont mean the physical kinda fighting, i mean, you don't go about bringing yourself down infront of a girl that you wanna impress. geddit? its not attractive & i definitely wouldn't wanna go with a guy who does that. the least a guy can do is make the girl feel special & wanted. make her feel loved. not make her feel like, shes a bitch or make a feel like shes not really that important to you. you wanna make a girl pity you, do it the right way. this kinda method often backfires. seriously, its a real turnoff for me if a guy behaves that way. i dont mean to write this post to insult guys or anything. its just my opinion so guys, dont take it the wrong way. as for now, im really glad im single. haha.
moving on, valentine's is around the corner. im single. & i've got a few potential valentines. & seriously,im not interested in any of them in THAT way. & i dont feel like going out on that day. sometimes, i feel like valentine's is kinda overrated. haha. once again, its just my opinion. no offence to those who heart valentines muchmuch. its great if you have someone special to celebrate together. i sure miss those times. but then again, im just kinda grateful im single.heh.so, maybe gonna meet mr SP soon. maybemaybe. since hes in tamp & since i have nothing better to do. oh well. i really hope i can meet my friends sooon. i miss them so much.
toodles ppl~

Thursday, February 5, 2009

lets move on to something lighter,i don't wanna think about ytd's event.
came across this on the net.
(heh heh heh.)
DO embrace the day with your best girlfriends.
DONT expect your man to heart Valentine's day as much as you do.
DONT contact your ex,if he was a jerk.
(haha) DONT break up with your boyfriend tt day.

okay.the rest is um, inappropriate.if you know wad i mean,heh.

moving on, SP guy is really getting on my nerves. like, he always calls me wen im feeling super sleepy. n he expects me to TALK. right. & the attitude that you showed me ytd,total turnoff boy. bleahhh.so, its 128 pm n i still havent had breakfast.

Have you ever felt that your life is screwed jz because someone else's one is screwed? I FEEL THAT WAY NOW & IT SUCKS BIG TIME.
bottom line: I'm not wearing a scarf anymore.
i dont even wanna bloody talk about it sia. its irritating & im sure it will annoy anyone else as well. but tt girl who screwed up her life & end up screwing mine, i HATE her. seriously, i wish i wasn't related to her. i wish i didn't know her. i wish WE didn't know her. i wish i didn't love her as much as i do now. because i hate her. i detest her attitude. ungrateful, rude, self-centered bitch. yes. she doesnt like to be called tt word but hey, enough about you k? its about time ah. ytd, wen u were talking to them, i just thank GOD i'm younger than you cos i would have slapped the shit outta you for talking in that way. & you better thank GOD he isn't the type who'd snapped so easily cos if not, he would have slapped you too,im sure. but one day eh, seriously, u go too far, im gonna give it to u. i dont care we're years apart of whatever, cos it sure doesn't seem tt way. i feel like i'm more mature & reasonable than you are. i feel like i know how to respect MY elders better than you do. all you've done eh is given us problems & problems. made them cry. then give them problems some more. YOU DON'T FUCKIN REGRET YOUR BLOODY ACTIONS. cmon la, stop with all those FCUKING crocodile tears ayts. we've had enough of it. if u wanna screw up your life again then this time, don't involve ME innit. don't make me a part of it ayts.bitch.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

okay. im gonna ASSUME this whole post. cos its in my mind & so i wanna write out what's on my mind so that it can no longer be in my mind. yea. i think i understand that.HE asked me to watch FRIENDS on youtube. HE said that it'll explain what he wantED to tell me. & so, i watch it. so thrs this episode where Rachel & Joey wants to get together, to have sex,to be bland. But, they can't, because they've been friends for too long, good friends, so they can never see each other in THAT way although they love each other a lot. & i think, the end of it is that, they remain as friends. i think uh. cos i didnt watch the end. i mean, he wants to let me know this? Does he really view me in that way? I mean, okay, maybe i havent been clear to him. I'm not dying for him & the better part is, I don't think i want us to be THAT way anymore. So, HE doesn't have to tell me this. HE doesn't have to explain this to me like i'm some immature kid who's stuck on him. Its like, HELLO, i knew & realised this a long time ago, way before you did i think, & AT LEAST, i told u.not directly but i replied his email. At LEAST, im not like HIM, i won't be surprised if he only got it wen he watched tt particular episode. URGHHHHH! IM FEELING PISSED NOW COS I DON'T HAVE ANY IDEA WHY I'M FEELING PISSED. does tt make any sense? let's see, i THINK i feel pissed because i didn't need HIM to show me what we are. HE is making it look like i'm some immature teenager who's world revolves around HIM & "love". Well, he got it WRONG. DAMN WRONG. i realised it & learnt to live with it way before HE did. Cos unlike him, i have sensible friends & families who have time & again given me a lil pep talk here & there.
So, the next time, if he ever asks me whether i've watched it, I'm gonna say yea. & if he asks me whether i understood what he's wanted to say, im gonna say....
ARGHHH. so now i feel like a bitch. who does he think he is????!?!???!!! does he think he's the only guy in this world? or better still, does he think he's the only guy i would ever like? shits. I've got other guys whom i like & actually RECIPROCATE MY FEELINGS LIKE A REAL MAN. geddit??! i don't need a guy who is never sure of himself in this matters. i don't need a guy who thinks so higly of himself. just because you're a popular mixture of races & just because your eyes isnt the same as the rest of us doesn't mean you're a bloody irresistible HUNK ayts. i never did like u based on your bloody looks. i never did & if u think im that shallow, then you're wrong.
forget it, i think this post is a bloody waste of time. im just thankful its outta my mind.

oooooooooooh.*takes a deep breath*(x2)

ohkay, remember the boy i was so into during 3 quarters of my life in secondary sch? yea. tt idiot who ruined my thoughts yet never fails to make my day. haha.ohkay, its been a long time since i've wrote about him in here. maybe cos i was learning to finally accept things the way it is & maybe,i was trying to be fair to him. he sent me an email today, nope, not a fowarded one, it was something he typed himself while i was otf with him sometime back. he was going on & on about how great it is to have someone like me in his life. but the main sentence that caught my attention was, "I don't want this friendship to ever end." Nah, don't worry,im not soaked in tears or anything. Strangely, i smiled when i saw that sentence.its like, it was there all along,but i was too immature to see it between us. Friends. yea. Friends. woah. i think, if it was say, last year february, i would have been so disappointed & "heartbroken". haha. but now i see it. i wasn't being fair to him by expecting something in return. okay, i must admit, it was his fault for making me feel this way, like, all those bigbig hints & stuff. & guess wad, he's still doing it now. dropping hints. but, NOW, i no longer spend a whole day or week figuring out what he meant. NOW, i just smile to myself, & forget it. seriously,i ain't pulling anyone's leg. & i must say, I am proud of myself to some extent. & i can't imagine how stupid i WAS. but nah, i don't regret anything i did. its jz a learning process:) but now, if,IF he ever wants to take another step between us, i won't easily cave in. I'd sit back & think.

I've got to let it go
and just enjoy the show