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IFAHSYG. LINSYG. ISABELSYG. FATINSYG. MARDSYG. AMIRSYG. NATSYG. SHEKYNROCKSYG. YAYUSYG. LUTFI JOVISSYG. HAZMI. November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 March 2011 April 2011 May 2011 June 2011 July 2011 August 2011 Bituwin -
template Words from Before It's Too Late by Goo Goo Dolls. Hit counter code here
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
I could really use a wish right now.
Bad morning today because I sensed something.
Some things have changed. It was expected, sooner or later. But must it really be at this moment? I don't understand you or your motives. And you seem so smooth in your actions. It irks me alot how time and again, I fall for the smooth ones. I made a mistake once, do I have to do it again? Whichever way it is, it is still impossible. I don't wish to be that girl. I wish to be the girl. Met them today. I really miss the sec sch environment and the laughters, the annoying of each other, the gossips, the never get old jokes. I miss them. Maybe there is a reason why we can't turn back time, because if we can, we would not be able to cherish fond memories and miss our past. We would not be able to learn from our mistakes or improve on our actions. That's just it. Its not easy to be this way, but I made the decisions and I'm going to have to deal with the consequences. Nuff said. I'll complain, I'll throw bitch fits, I'll grumble and I'll whine. Hee.I'm a girl after all. :) Goodnight love.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
My first kiss went a lil like this.
Looking forward to catching up with girls soon. I cant wait cos its been ages. YAY.
And my arms still hurt from fighting in the waters yesterday. Next time go beach, must swim far2 away from people who enjoy throwing other people in the water. I feel like I'm here for your entertainment. And I feel like I shouldn't be complaining because I'm fully aware of my actions. And I hate these random thoughts that just comes in my mind. And I suddenly feel like I'm going to lose everything I know, everything that I'm familiar with. Scared.
Friday, November 26, 2010
Black and white.
I've got it.
Sometimes, you don't confide in people because they will give you their opinion on a situation that seems ridiculous or too far fetched. Because you think they don't understand whatever that is going on. But that's only because, sometimes, whatever they say is the truth. Truth that is in front of you, yet you choose to ignore. But, thank you. :) Looking forward to the beach tmr. And abang's tuition. And projs. And research. No time for movie. Maybe I should give a chance. I don't know. Goodnight.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
If I kissed you, would fireworks fly?
![]() Ever get the feeling like you want to tell someone something, but you hesitate because you're afraid they will judge you wrongly? Furthermore, what goes on is only known best between you and the other person. You're the only one who knows why the person behaves that way and how that person really is, which is why you are willing to give exceptions. But you know others would never understand or see the logic behind your actions because they just don't know how it feels. Sucks. I shouldn't be feeling disappointed or angry because I'm not supposed to. I am feeling that way but I know I'm not supposed to. I don't need to confide in anyone to ask if its right or wrong. It is wrong. If I go away, would you find me? You wouldn't, would you? I'll learn to deal with that. Do something if you want something. Do nothing if you want everything. Walking with Dinosaurs ads keeps on appearing infront of me. :(
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
If we ever meet again.
Sometimes, you just have to let go and just watch from a far.
See if your child does the right things. See if your child learns from mistakes or do the same thing. How else can you understand how much your child has grown, understood and matured over the years? I know you love me and you're ready to bulldoze any negativity that comes my way,but sometimes, I'd like to do it myself. I don't wish to be spoilt even though I know I am in some areas. Give me some space and watch me. I'd take anything from you but not restrictions. I'm tired. And what happens if all goes well? I'd be left alone here,expecting too much. I know I shouldn't be having these thoughts. But thoughts are just thoughts. Its nothing without actions. I wish you well. I wasn't being sarcastic, nor was I being suggestive. I was telling the truth. I had a great time. As long as you choose to surround yourself in self pity, I won't give you a second glance. Self pity is a turn off. You want something, you get it. You don't want something, you don't. Stop looking at the mirror and crying at your reflection. Noone's gonna pity you but yourself. If one day, you change, I'll be happy for you. But if that one day comes, and you wanna show me your ego, I'll show you mine. A person's happiness is not derived from the situation they are in ; but from the attitude they have. Goodnights. :)
Monday, November 22, 2010
& you fell hard, on the ground.
L is for the way you look at me.
0 is for the only one I see. V is very very, extraodinary. E is even more than anyone that you adore. The song is in my head, thanks to sis. Baaaah. Class photo makes me feel like I'm leaving school very soon. And I don't like that feeling. :( Goodnight <3
Sunday, November 21, 2010
I have alot of questions I know you cannot answer.
Why issit that some people have to face so much of problems and obstacles in their life?
People always say, God gives you tests and hard times because God loves you. But can this be seen and understood for people who have no faith or a strong hold towards God? Won't they in return curse and swear because they don't know what to do and who to turn to? You're the only person I know that I cannot seem to offer a suggestion to. I know we're not close and it gives you more reason to just ignore whatever I say but I don't know why your situations tend to make me think. A lot. Why? Is it because you are never close to God? Is it because you have no faith/iman in God? Is it because you do not live like a Muslim? Then why isn't there people around you, at least one person, who can change you or show you? I had a wrong impression of you, I must admit. But when you asked me those questions about Islam and about religious classes...can I keep you and let mommy teach you. :( I don't have the right vocabulary now to really express how I feel. But you're just so endearing yet too far to be pitied. Yes, you have your own brains to think and maturity to rely on. I don't know what to say or do. But the very fact that you're even considering instead of just going ahead already gives me that lil bit of hope. Just that lil bit. I'll save my prayers for you. Rest assured, even though you may not believe it, there is a reason for everything.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
You'll never be able to make others happy, if you are not truly happy.
Never ask for a hug, take it. :)
Patience's running out. This ain't how its sposed to be. I'm having this dream, I'm sleeping with the enemy.
My pride won't let me dial.
Don't show me your ego. I already have mine. Its been so long since I felt this low. Just fuck off ok. seriously. Fuck. Can't even tell anyone about this cos I'll get screwed with that goddamned "told you so" thing. No, it can't be affecting me like this. I think I'm just tired. Yep, I'm tired. Goodnights. Where are you when I need someone to talk to :( And I wanna go to that Walking with Dinos thing. Its awesome ok.
Thought we could wait for the fireworks.
Its not a wonder why you've been stuck in my head for the past few days. I don't understand why its this way but I can't help it.
Why is it that every single thing reminds me of you? Just looking at that sentence above can make me roll my eyes because it is so cheesy and stupid. But. Ala. whatever. I have felt like calling you plenty of times and asking you why the fuck did you have to do that. Do I have that right? I think I do. You promised. I was thinking yesterday, and I still can't believe it. I've been used to just shutting everything out. Not bothering to go through the process of getting over you and face all that shit. So this is what I get. It comes back slowly. Do you still feel this way? Are you happy already with her? Its been quite some time already. Can I ask you? Would you 'tsk' away in irritation if you see my name appear in your hp tonight? Should I wish you? I will. Even though you didn't. You're just being dumb and immature. Heck, another girl isn't the same as me. Can never be. Another girl can be either better than me, or worse than me. Never the same as me. What the hell were you thinking. Its the same for you. Another guy will never be just like you. They're either better, or worse. And you still need me to tell you this? Seriously. Why am I being so emotional? Kakak told me to let it go. You've already taken that big step. What can I do. Heck, don't you get it, no matter how you complain to her about it not being the same and how you still miss me, she'll still screw you for making that idiotic decision. And I'll punch you. I know I am egoistic. And all I can tell you is, you made that silly mistake, you settle it yourself. In the meantime, don't even think of regrets. You certainly don't have my sympathy for your situation. And you, thanks for being the perfect distraction.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
If you can't be honest with me, then I'm afraid this is the end.
*boy walks up to girl smiling*
BOY Roses are red, Violets are blue, I think your hot, And sexy too. *girl replys while walking away,laughing* GIRL Roses are red, Violets are blue, How many girls, Have you said that too?
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
I got my kiki ;)
![]() When something bad/good happens, why do we, as human beings, often think of the reason behind another person's behaviour? Why won't we ever think of our own actions and consequences before thinking, "Why is he/she behaving that way towards me?" Whatever that took place earlier gave me plenty of time to think about all these. Yes, I was thinking at first, why is so and so giving me the cold shoulder/ not talking to me etc. Then my mind went down the lil memory lane and I realised, some people are still not over minor arguments that occured so long ago. People who are older than me in age always disappoint me because I have the misconception that they are more matured than the way they act. Hari Raya Haji. Forgive and forget. Don't hold grudges because of miscommunications and whatnot. I don't lose anything by not talking to you when I see you. It was that way, you're the one seeking my attention. ;) Can't be bothered by immaturity. And don't blame me if I'm sarcastic. I'm Indian. We're just like that. ;) Goodnights. School tmr :(
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
If you could only see, your heart belongs to me.
Do I really need this?
Do I need glue on my fingertips with felt stuck on it, on Hari Raya Haji? :( Oh, and I'm so bored sticking things together that I can share a fact with you. The Contact Cement glue is only useful for glue sniffers. Hopeless in sticking felt to cardboard. And I'm irritated. Cos I got fooled by the name, contact cement. haha. Back to doing up my kit, I wonder how I'm gonna bring it to school on Friday :( Its. so. big. And I miss sleep. Selamat Hari Raya Haji to you.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Jujurlah pada ku, bila kau tak lagi cinta.
Wonder if I did the right thing.
Tutoring? For him? And with that comes all the complications of staying over there, listening to her talk about her life, listening to her talk about other people's life, asking me questions about my life, asking me questions about other people's life..and the list goes on. Do I really want this? Should I? Baaah. I just agreed so let's give it a shot. I like doing things like this even though I know how the outcome would be like, especially when it comes to her. But I never learn:) Loving the Guess purse she bought me. And there she went again with it being the latest edition and all. Oooooooook. I get it. You're cool. -__- Hari Raya Haji came at the wrong time. The wrong day. How am I supposed to do up my EA learning resource by Friday? Mati uh. Gdnights. I'm not easy,you gotta work for me. If you do the right thing, we could be together.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Feeling fly like a G6.
If I'm living a normal life, why do I keep on thinking a miracle would happen?
I've just got my head up in the clouds, that's all. :) And reading the news these past few days have been so depressing. So many people dying here and there. Gangsters acting like big mfs going around slashing here and there. These matreps/ah bengs/ indian hooligans (idk what's the proper term) seriously need to get a life. Seriously. You've been insulted by teenagers/adults through videos, songs, blogs and many more unofficial ways I'm sure. And now, even the press is doing a comparison for you on the newspapers. What more do you want? The papers today really slammed them real bad. Comparing gangsters today with gangsters from the past. Hah. Gangsters from the past fought over turfs. Gangsters tody fight because of staring. Gangsters from the past had rituals and proper headmen. Gangsters today no rituals just join because of lame reasons like peer pressure, no love from parents, nothing to do at home. -_- Gangsters from the past fought over the collection of protection money from their area. Gangsters today can just fight because of girls. Fighting over girls, fighting over staring incidents, fighting because one group has more members than the other at that particular time. Seriously guys. Get a life. I don't care if anyone reading this gets offended because you're in a gang or you know people dear to you whose in a gang. If you're in a gang, it doesn't give you the leeway or any rights to go around slashing people or killing them just because they're from a different gang or because they stared at you. We're all human beings, we all have the rights to live. Just because you're in some supposedly "fierce" gang, it doesn't mean you're special or I should be fearing you. Please grow up. I know some of you are decades older than teens, but your maturity is just the opposite. As much as I detest gangs, I can proudly say I have more respect for the gangsters from my parents era as compared to the disgusting gangsters you see now. My mind is cleared. I'm still irritated though. Time and again, I fall for your sweet words and concern. Then I remember, you must be saying that to a few other girls and they'll be feeling the same way as I did. So, I ignore you. :)
Friday, November 12, 2010
The trouble with life is, there's no background music.
When given a choice between good or bad, right or wrong, why is it that the negative ones appear more tempting and harder to resist?
Is it the way the world works? Or is it simply God's way of testing us? The bad/negative choice seems so tempting, readily available whenever you want it to be. The good/postive choice is harder to reach and attain. Noone can answer this yea? Goodnight. Smile. Is the second best thing you can do with your lips ;)
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Someone told me I should take, caution when it comes to this.I tried.
Not looking forward to floorball tomorrow.
Especially when I tend to express my words in my high pitch voice whenever the ball comes near me. People are gonna hate me. Tee hee. I'm very definitely a woman & I enjoy it. -Sucker for compliments.
If you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.
Why must there always be an unfortunate twist when things are going so smoothly?
Is it God's way of testing us? Or is it a way for humans to judge us? Our decisions and actions often leaves more than enough for people to judge. I'm a human being. Not a robot. I am strong headed and I let my head rule my heart. But that won't be the case all the time. I've tried putting myself in your shoes, and I try as much to feel how you'd feel like. Its not a nice feeling. :( I hate this. Then again, my intentions are clear. I don't wish for anything bad or undesirable to happen. But if nature decides to make me the bad one, what can I do? :( I'll just take it one step at a time and let it fall in place. If its meant to be, it will be. If its not, I'll just walk away. Thank you. Let's try not to fall in so deep. You've got me tripping. Toodles. Good night :)
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
You took the chance & made other plans.
You don't have to tell me what you did, I already know. They've told me. Now there's just no chance. All of these things people told me, keep messing with my head. The damage is done, so I guess I'll be leaving.
A perfection of means and confusion of aims, seems to be our main problem.
And the award for the best liar goes to you.
Stuck at home. Sick with fever and its friends. :( I swear period and illnesses never go well together. Baaaah. I wanna go out and skateeee. Its been so long. Haiyahaiyahaiya. On another note, I'm really in a confused state of mind. I'm not perfect, I can't think rationally all the time right. Its like, my head says something but my heart says a totally different thing. Then how? Mati sudah. Haha. Havent eaten lunch or anything. Just a cup of coffee. Even drinking plain water makes me feel like puking. Yuck. Wonder where this virus came from. Urgh. And as I've mentioned, there's too many things running in my head. What the heck is wrong here. I've just noticed how immature and shallow you were all this while. And you're older than me, apparently. Wtf. So I was just there as a trophy for you to show your friends you've succeeded. Thanks. I'm very honoured. -_- Enough bout that. Shall not waste my time on this. Focusing on the more important things in life, Did fairly well for both math and english resources. Prep for attachment? I'm so not ready. Wonder if I'll ever be. Dad got me a new hp for birthday. :D:D I like the colour! Too bad the previous camera was spoilt, else it would have matched my handphone. Tee hee. And and, I hope can meet besties soon if there's nothing going on. I really miss them. Oh yea, thanks to everyone for making my birthday an awesome one. I really appreciate it. Friends & families. <3 That's it. Hope my virus flies away to someone else. Hee. Toodles.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Thanks for wishing you.