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Oh hello. I am Narah and I am 18. Dark chocolates,marshmallows and novels are my favorite things.

Bituwin - template
Dementee - image

Words from Before It's Too Late by Goo Goo Dolls.

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Sunday, August 15, 2010
Your eyes make me shy.

Supposedly, according to my own schedule that I've conjured in my head,I have to study now.

I will soon enough. Send my advanced greetings to Excel and PR and LE.

And you know, everyone makes mistakes right? But not everyone learns from it. I had the silly misconception that everyone analyzes and thinks about probelms as deeply as I do. If something unfair happens, someone treats me coldly, there is an unexpected reaction from a situation or just basically anything negative, I think about it alot. And I mean alot. I analyze every single crook and go over it again and again. I ask questions to people who may be biased or neutral about the situation, I ask questions to myself, I screw myself, I praise myself. And then sooner or later, I'll reach an answer according to my own judgements and my own thinking. I try to be as fair as possible, though it is hard because I'm only human. I have an armor of defense just like everyone else. And if its my mistake, as much as possible, it will be locked into my memory to try not to commit the same thing again. So when I'm confronted with the same situation, I get that goosebumps and try my best to avoid any negativity.
Then again, it does not only happen when I'm confronted with the same situation, it happens when I sense the same situation brewing. Human beings have the sixth sense right?

So, my mistake was that I assumed human beings work that way. But I couldn't be more wrong. For one, I think some people will never learn.

And I presume this is because they are too wrapped up in their own self pity and spend all their time comforting themselves, that they fail to realise the reason for an ugly thing to happen. Yet, they still have the cheek to wonder why? The only difference in their question is, they wonder, "Why must all these bad things happen to my life?"

My other theory I've came up with in my mind is that, some people are too self centered that they think whatever they are doing and whatever they believe in is the right thing. They do not have the time to listen to other perspectives or quite frankly, they don't even want to. So, if other opinions are brought to surface, they counter it so harshly without thinking that these can bring about an ugly scene.
Yet, they still have the cheek to wonder why. And their question goes like, " I don't understand what is his/her problem? He/She does not make sense at all. They don't want to listen."

I know there are a lot more classifications, and honestly, I have yet to learn where I belong to. I don't need anyone to tell me where I belong to. I don't need anyone to tell me why they think I belong here or there. Because, my mind is made up in such a way whereby I'll listen to you, but I won't agree with you unless I learn it for myself.

I was reading a book from Daddy's Ebook earlier and I came across this phrase that I found very logical yet we fail to abide by it.

"Thinking you are right but knowing you may be wrong gives the opportunity to retain what you have but are still open to improve,correct or expand on it."

Makes a lot of sense to me. Anyhoos, its about time I do something.

Everytime I look at you, I get a fierce desire to be lonesome.

Saturday, August 14, 2010
Never give up your dreams for someone who isn't willing to give up anything for you.

Bacon is bacon.
Eggs are eggs.
Don't let them boys,
Between your legs.
They say you're cute,
They say you're fine.
9 months later,
They say,
"It ain't mine."

The whole upcoming week seems packed with school related activities. And this is supposed to be the break I was looking forward to? I am just very blessed to have friends I am super comfortable and love working/hanging out with. Or else, going back to school would be a dread. I'm thinking its a good thing I do not have a boyfriend because I'm so caught up with school and what not. And I thought it was a good thing I didn't have a boyfriend when I was working.
But sometimes, when I've relaxed enough at home, I think, it would be nice to have someone.
But that thought is often short lived because I am so lazy to go through the whole process again, plus, why should I care for this kinda thoughts that only haunt me at night or when I have nothing to do,right?
On the other hand, flirting is more fun and you get to choose who you want to talk to.

ANDAND, Alhamdullilah, I've managed to fast so far and curb that bad habit.
God will guide me through,Insyallah.

Yes,you caught me looking at you but that just means you were looking back!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Happy Ramadan to you:D

Firstly, Happy fasting to you.
Secondly, I'm so proud of myself. I managed to fast the whole of today. I came to accept the fact that temptations to drink water and whatnot is coming from within me, not from Setan itself. I know its so late but I've always known this, I just didn't want to accept it before.

Thirdly, I don't know why I feel so blissful. I guess its the break from those crazy ass assignments.

And I've been seeing the pair of sexygorgeoushothotheat heels almost everyday after school thanks to friends who seem to enter Charles and Keith almost everyday. And I feel so depressed cos I can't get them YET but I feel happy when I see them.
I think I'm weird..or maybe I'm just being a girl, if any other girl can actually understand what I'm trying to say here. Oh yea,plus those delicious feather Diva earrings.

ok,da. Enough.
Selamat sahur to you.


Sunday, August 8, 2010
Can I order another weekend please?

Finally. I get to spend some time with dearest sleep without alarms waking me up :)

Learning Corner is finally completed. Soooooo much of time and effort, it would have made sense if we had camped in school instead of spending about 6 hours sleeping at home before rushing to school again -_-
Rumah da macam hotel.
And the thing I'm so curious about is the way things went about. Its like, everyone is so defensive and argumentative when we first started the assignment, always looking out for out faults, hating for no reason. And when its over, suddenly we're all best friends again. Such ugly characteristics. I don't wish to see some of you in that light but for the rest, its so apparent, it disgusts me. Blech.
If you wish for good results, put in the effort. Don't hate and ostracise people who often get good results due to their efforts. A person's behaviour and their attitude towards life is two seperate things. Learn to identify the difference and respect the good qualities of another human being, not hate them. You get stressed at the last minute then screw people who have been conscientiously working on their part. Attitude much?

Daddy asked me to quit work cos I don't have time to rest and I'm like, ok. Don't wish to argue anyways. I NEED the rest. I can't wait to not do anything tomorrow :D Hope there's pizza too.

That would be the day, when I play soccer. XD Photoshoot.

Man United eh. Abang will be proud!

There might have been a time,
When I would give myself away,
Once upon a time I didn't give a damn.
But now, here we are so whataya want from me?
Whataya want from me?

Wish you well.
