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Oh hello. I am Narah and I am 18. Dark chocolates,marshmallows and novels are my favorite things.

Bituwin - template
Dementee - image

Words from Before It's Too Late by Goo Goo Dolls.

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Wednesday, May 26, 2010
If ladies have to go through period once a month, why don't guys get kicked in the balls once a month as well?

Am usually a very sweet person, but today I have P.lease don't M.ake me S.lap you syndrome, be warned :D

Your name starts with 'N'.
Hee Hee.
When u look at me and i look away, it's not cuz i don't like you its cuz i don't want you to see the HUGE smile on my face.

I'll see you when I see you.

Saturday, May 22, 2010
God Help us.

I came across a friend I just got to know recently.
And my friend reminded me about this issue.
Someone once told me he is gay because he had too many "heartbreaks" when he was in his younger teenage days. Younger as in, 13-15 years old?
Ironically, he termed it as "heartbreaks."
Anyways, he's gay, and he's going for his op soon.
This is my opinion..
I find his reason extremely unreasonable.

Another one I used to hang out with, claims that he's gay because it just happened. It has to be that way. Its FATE because apparently his elder sister is very tomboy-ish thus its natural that he turns out a little soft.
I find his reason extremely unreasonable.

Another one of my friend,
He has a strong religious background.
Even when I see his parents, I get scared and self conscious.
But he's gay.
And the most depressing thing is, he has given up on the religion.
Given up.
His reason is,
He's had a rough past.

I'm not saying I'm an extremely pious person. I am definitely not. But I am a muslim. I belive in my religion and have faith in it. And I felt like I got punched in my guts when he said that he has given up on the religion. Why to that extent?

I never had an issue with gays/lesbians. But the common reason that I hear from them sometimes annoys me.

They always claim that they are just like that. They don't choose to be gay,they're just born like that. With same sexual desires as the opposite sex. They say they do not like being judged. They accuse people who condemn them or advice them to be stereotypes, hypocrites, narrow minded, cannot mind their own business etc.

That is what I see and hear every single time. I knew my friends when I was younger. I have never thought about their differences in desires before but now that I've given a thought about it, I think its a load of bull.

Once again,this is my opinion:

People who turn gay because of some reason or another, its a choice.
When you start feeling strongly for the people of the same sex as you, its your choice if you'd want to continue enjoying that feeling or to refrain yourself from feeling that way the next time it happens. Not saying you can immediately snap your fingers and stop feeling that way for the same sex,but you have to continuosly work on it to get rid of that feeling.

When you think the opposite sex never understands you and are just too much of a hassle at one point of your life, then you have the desire to get closer to people of the same sex as you. And you find that they understand you better, so you turn gay. Stop and think. That one person/people of the opposite sex who made your life miserable are not the only people in the world. Take a break and get to know more people. Not everyone is the same. Of course the person of the same sex would understand you better, they are just like you! Most of the time, they know exactly how you feel when you try to explain something.

When you think your life is bullshit and miserable because people pick on you since you appear a little bit different than the others, turn to someone to complain/scream/shout/vent to. Its no reason to turn gay because of that. What does being gay do to you? How does it help you?

When you turn gay, you face more criticisms in your life. There will always be people who detest the very sight of you and verbally abuse you. How does that help you in having a great life? If you are just turning gay/already gay because of trivial reasons like these, its sad.

Any non-straight people who reads this post would hate me to the core. They'd be having so many rebuttals in their mind to throw at my face and accuse me of being this and that.

Let me get this straight, I'm not a homophobic. I don't mean to offend. I don't intend to set up a fan page on facebook for haters to screw me on. I don't have any strong desire to turn violent towards gays. I'm just voicing out my opinions.
I'm just speaking based on my religion. If you're not, then I don't have anything against you because its not your fault. You're born that way. But if you are, this is for you.

Its extremely saddening.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Help. Green ALERT,

The green eyed monster rears his head.
I see it everywhere now.
And when jealousy strikes, criticisms appear.
My ears have had enough of this shit.
If you don't intend to say anything nice, don't come and nose your way here and there.

At the same time, I'm proud of myself cos I've managed to keep my mouth shut whenever you open that lil bitch trap of yours.

I can't say the same for my face expression though~

Little Miss Perfect, please be happy with what you have and what you can do. It is already as fabulous as it is. Don't taint your character by talking like this.


Monday, May 17, 2010
Just shut up shut up~

I've been wondering for 2 years, and I'm still wondering now.

How long do you expect people around you to try to fucking cover up for you?

Yes, I understand the little secrets between all of us and how we cover up for each other. But as individuals, we take care of our own little secrets so that no one else is troubled by it.


I'm tired with all these unnecessary drama. You fucking know that what you're doing is wrong and yet you stilllll do it.

I don't understand uh. They say wisdom comes with age but in your case, there ain't no difference.

How come, I'm not doing the things that you're doing when I'm younger than you?

How come I can feel the pain of looking at their disappointed faces but you can't when you have A FUCKING TRUCKLOAD OF THINGS to be guilty about?

How come I think twice before I do but you don't even think?

How come eh?

That's it eh, I can't be bothered with your bullshit anymore. Take responsibility for your own wrongdoings and don't get me involved innit.

When the day comes when you look in the mirror and see how your ugly character reflects on your face, that would be the day worth celebrating over.

Moving on, friend told me to take up photography. I'm thrilled but contemplating.
And quoted from him:
"Coz when you start comparing, you'll start to lose the passion"

Super make sense.I like.

ok da.
Goodnight lovelies.

Saturday, May 15, 2010
Eyecandy with a goatee.

This person said,
"I hate smokers. I don't like the smell of cigarette."
And I found a pack of ciggs in this person's bag.

If you smoke,you smoke. Shut up.
If you don't smoke, you don't smoke. Shut the heck up.

I get irked by people who condemn people for smoking, and I also get pissed at people who condemn people because they don't smoke.

No need for double standards, at the end of the day, everyone is still human. No superior ones will stand out dammit.

And fyi, you just remind me of some malaysian kampung girl who's trying hard to make it in the city life. You can usually see the desperate attempts at the makeup,hair and clothes. Idk why I have that kinda weird impression on you, but I guess its just you, your style and youyouyou?

Moving on, super tired from doing TAC. I think it drains me cos its kinda borrrriiiinngggg.
And to go to ugame tmr,its like....ahhhhh.malas nyeeee.

Just watched some zombie story with sis earlier and the stupid*$%@*! zombies are still in my headdddd.. :(
I feel so kental. Cannot see violence/gore/zombies/pocongs.
Guy shouting oso cannot make it.
I wish I was a tough girl.
Ok,that sounds so lame.
I'm glad I am who I am.


Can't wait to see youuu when I see youuuuu.

Goodnight baby.

Friday, May 14, 2010
I wanna,I wanna,I wanna,I wanna, I wanna really really really really wanna zigazig ha!

I wanted to post about something here but I totally forgot what it was about. Kental nye saye.

Anyways, do you ever get the feeling where you're trying to have a neutral kind of feeling and reaction towards someone but suddenly,when you hear your friend saying something postitive/negative about that particular person, subconsciously,your opinion about that person totally changes? Ok, lets not make this so confusing.

Say you're walking along and a cute guy/girl infront of you looks at you. And you think to yourself, "He's just looking at people randomly."
Then your friend says something like, " Eh! He/She's checking you out!"

I'm sure you'll do a double take on that person and think, was he/she really checking me out? Seriously?

I don't like feeling this way. Its amazing how mere words can really change your perspective of someone or something. Here I am trying to be neutral but there are the words swimming around in my head causing me to think negatively about someone and positively about someone else. Jeez.
And the sad thing is, I won't think about what I think of that person at that moment. All I'll hear is what someone else has said.
Its only when I really sit down and have a good thinking process, then I'll get back to rationalising everything in my head.

There. All out for the week.
And I'm glad I ignored you earlier.Hee. Fan's opinion was that you're shy and egoistic at the same time. I think you're just being annoying. Bleah.

Sometimes, what's left unsaid speaks the loudest. So please just say it and stop me from guessing.

Goodnight loves.

Monday, May 10, 2010
If you want my future, forget my past.

I love laughing silently at people who get so defensive when they know they're at fault.
Its just so goddamn obvious baby.

oh yea, are you jealous? please don't be. He's not my type and a lil harmless flirting never killed anyone. Don't listen to all these assumptions made by people ok. I love you.

oh yea,i BET you were looking for me and all you found was my friends.hah!

Friday, May 7, 2010
Sick of being sick.


Yes.That's the flaw I overlooked in you.

Irate uh.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

The house is filled with glitter. The keyboard I'm using has red glitter on it. My pants has glitter on it. Mummy's working pants has glitter on it. Sis's face sometimes has glitter on it.
Tee Hee.
Can't wait to complete this piece. Glitter art is annoying.
Glucks to you ppl.

& its been so long since I saw you. :(
Been searching, not finding.
I'll see you when I see you baby boy.

In you brown eyes, I walked away. In your brown eyes, I couldn't stay. If everything was everything but everything is over. Everything could be everything if only we were older. I guess its just a silly song about you & how I lost you. And your brown eyes.
Friend.Nothing more nothing less. Stop scaring me and trying to seek attention. Don't force me to do things I don't wish to. Please.