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Oh hello. I am Narah and I am 18. Dark chocolates,marshmallows and novels are my favorite things.

Bituwin - template
Dementee - image

Words from Before It's Too Late by Goo Goo Dolls.

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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

So many things have happened.
So little time to get everything down here.
One fine day,I will be venting my frustrations,disappointments and happiness here once again.
As for now,
Pack my bag and go to sleep.
Mabuk already.
Try to annoy lovely and annoying classmates tmr:D

And Zai, go get a life. Malas lah nak gaduh2. Prangai budak hingus.sheesh.

PS: I like seeing your face. You make me nervous & its been so long since I felt this way. I know I'm overreacting and its one sided,but I still enjoy it.

Take care sygs.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Forgive me, I'm just a girl.

Is he your best friend / crush / boyfriend?
kawan now.
How long have you known him?
4 years.
Does he go to your school?
Has he dated any of your friends?
Have you ever lied to him?
Do you even talk to him?
when I see him?
Can you imagine life without him?
Been trying.
Would you ever punch his face?
Have you gone places with him?
Would you save him from a house on fire?
Gee, if i can?
Does he have a favorite sport?
What's a favorite memory you've
had with him?
Playing pool.
Do you know how much he weighs?
Can't recall.
How about his height?
Does he sleep with stuffed toys?
Has he ever stalked you?
Do you love him?
Love is such a big word. I don't.
Does he wear any cologne?
At times.
Has he ever sang/play a song just for you?
Have you ever yelled at him?
Not exactly.
Are you and him going to be friends forever?
Wish you'd tell me that.
Has he ever made fun of you?
Would you feed him to tigers?
Is he smart?
He is.
Does he wear glasses/contacts?
Do you know where he lives?
Too well.
Where is he right now?
I don't know.
Why did you choose him for this survey?
He came to my mind.
When's the last time you've seen him?
Are you currently talking to him
right now?
Do you miss him?
When he's not being what he is.Yes.
Has he ever broken your heart?
My heart can't be broken. I'd be dead then. XD
Has he ever liked you?
Silly qns.
Have you ever given him anything?
Do you plan on giving him anything soon?
Do you know what his middle and last name is?
When's the next time you'll see him?
God knows.
Last Question: Through this whole survey, were you only thinking
about him?
And his friend.

Oopsy daisy~

I feel so guilty.
I haven't been doing anything bad, but at the same time, I haven't done anything much to stop bad things from happening.
Why are you in particular so mean?
It really does no justice to your otherwise sweet personality.
I feel so torn and I wanna blurt everything out to someone but..
Its horrible, I feel horrible for you.
I can somewhat emphatise with you but I'm so torn.
Never had anything against you but I've never taken a step towards you.
Why? I don't know myself.
I know that you'd probably have a bad impression on me and all and there's nothing that I'm doing or showing to make you think otherwise.
I'm so sorry.
I don't wish to be the cause for more solitude for you, I just hope I take the right step and make the right move.
God please give me the will to stand up whenever things like this occurs again.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Mute the mean girls, Edit the guys, Fast forward the drama, Rewind the good times & Pause the love~

I detest people airing unhappiness over someone else when its clear they are simply jealous. Love yourself for who you are and what you do. Don't condemn because you can't do what someone else has done. Its plain immature.

The past is a stepping stone to the future. Look and learn from it. Then move on to the future. The past can be revisited but never relived.

You'd never understand that would you?
Liked you very much once but probably won't again. Our time is done and we are at the end. So, let's move on and maybe someday we will be friends.
PS: You looked effing hot in your uni. Why aren't you reciprocating the attention from them?

Sunday, April 11, 2010

We aren't perfect, but we're family and we love each other through the good, the bad and the ugly. Through time,distance, thick and thin.

You're in my prayers m'boy.

Stay strong.

Saturday, April 10, 2010
Oh I wish I was a punkrocker with flowers in my hair~

One more day left to school reopening.
Just where did time fly?????
Boo to those starting a week later.

Anyways, since there wasn't any lunch today, I decided to do some experimenting in the kitchen. Everyday is a learning process ya know. haha.
So, I used what was available in the kitchen,
Plain instant prata
Chocolate chips.
HAHA. Tried making chocolate prata. AND I SUCCEEDED!
This was the start,I sprinkled the chocolate chips on one piece and covered it with another.haha. No choice. Then with sis's help, managed to get it on the pan to fry.

Theeeen, voila~


And it was niceeee. But then had to struggle to finish it cos it was very chocolatey. Haha.
Hey I learnt how to cook during this holidays.

And I was eating from the periuk. Heh.
I learnt to fry spinach...make soup. See2. I am LEARNING TO COOK!
Not a brat after all.

Ayts then, looking forward to breakfast with classmates on Mon!
Enjoy the last day of waking up late ppl.


Thursday, April 8, 2010
I'm a girl. I bleed for a week and don't die, just get angry. Fear me.

Just came back from shisha with babies.
Had fun with the mostly dirty version of truth or dare.
I thank god we were sitting at the more isolated place instead of the open area cos with girls kissing girls and doing lap dances on each other, people around us would have been freaked out or we would be in stomp. HEY I WONT BE SURPRISED AT THE KAYPOHNESS OF SINGAPOREANS.

But as usual, truth or dare always tends to bring people a wee bit closer to each other. No,not physically la.Jeez.

Andandand,the truth is out yea. I was a lil perturbed at the fact that you think I can share the same room with her but then again maybe you overlooked that tiny detail since we're no longer together. But,I still want to maintain a good impression on people that I have respect for and I'm just afraid that it will all be ruined. I know I shouldn't care about it since I have no intentions on going back or whatever. But its just me. If I'm not going to see you again in my life and I liked and respected you when I was in touch with you, I'd just like it to end that way. Not with you suddenly hearing shitz about me through some disgustingly no life people that really do exist in this planet.
Shucks right.
Maybe because its so fresh that's why I'm still disturbed. Maybe by tomorrow, I'll have that heck care attitude once again.
Oh well, nothing I can do now. Nothing I could have done because I have no intentions on concealing anything any longer. You know about it, you advised me. Its up to me whether or not I want to listen to you right? But you obviously won't understand this and you'll still be pissed and disappointed with me and I'm just telling you, I can't do anything about it. I hope you know me well enough to understand that I can't have people say DONT to me. *Hey,I'm still a teen yea?* And I can't act in front of certain people because they have a big gossipy mouth or because they know adults who have a big gossipy mouth. I can't be bothered about people talking shitz about me because it doesn't affect me if I don't have any connection to you.
So yea, fill up your nights bitching about me and what I did to people ok?
I tak kisah.

Then again, there is a tinyweeny possibility that this might not happen.
But still, it doesn't affect me see?

Andand, one more thing, that is annoying me, I'm typing this out because I know FOR SURE you're going to read this.

Don't talk about me being stuck up and acting pretty bla3 when you don't even know me ok darling? I know you're insecure and all since you're not natural in some areas but you just saw me, and you're saying I'm stuck up because I think I'm way too pretty bla3?
Ape nie?
& I thought this was all secondary school matters.

Get this la please,
My face is like this. If I'm walking alone,I don't know what expression I have on my face but I have a feeling its not pleasant or sweet since most people think I look arrogant. So yea, deal with it. I don't even know I look arrogant. See, I am ignorant. (Hey it rhymes!)

Tired of hearing this shit about me being arrogant and the famous line,
"She think she very pretty then can walk like that uh?"

If this comes from people who have at least spoken to me for a day, I would have given my personality or my facial expressions a second thought. But its coming from people who just saw me..so why bother? Not like I'm not used to it~

And just a lil tidbit my dear thing

I don't see myself as cantik or jamz or whatever shit that you said la. I just like my face the way it is and accept compliments when they come. Sure I am vain, but I am girl. I don't do diets like you ASSUME. I just have a very high metabolism rate so I can eat as much as I want and wonder the entire day where the food goes to. There are pros and cons but I just happen to like my body the way it is. Yes I run but I don't run to burn fats. I run because it clears my mind. I'm stating all these in a "matter of fact" way. Don't you go assuming its the opposite yea?

And like what I've told some people, if you have any issues, can we please be mature and talk about this face to face? YOU WERE FACE TO FACE WITH ME but no mouth uh?

Speaking of which,I'm hungry again.

Dah, gnites babies.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Irritatingnye korang.

WTF is wrong with these people?
What the hell would make you think that I would go out with you just because you say you like me and flatter me?
Are you for real or are you just bloody trying your luck?
Kenape eh you people treat others this way?
Issit cos you have no life cos u don't have anything better to do or
issit cos you have no life cos u don't have any girl to hang out with?
Lately, I have been encountering more and more sick people like you who feel like you NEED to have a girl by your side.
WTF is wrong with your thinking?
Were you born holding a girl's hand?
Did you learn how to walk whilst caressing a girl's hips?
Did you learn how to talk whilst struggling to say "I love you" to a girl?


Why the fcuk is there sucha big dependency on a partner?
Like, you throw caution to the wind and just grab the first girl that comes along your way. You don't care about knowing the girl, you just want to take her out and get into the whole relationship shitz. Oh wait, the most important thing, SHE MUST BE ATTRACTIVE. That's it uh. As long as she's easy on the eyes,she's your baby.

I don't want to have the impression that ALL of you people are like that. But it's oh-so depressing to be talking to someone whom you think is more mature than the rest and they turn out to be EXACTLY the same.

Fcuk. Don't bloody buy me with material things. If I don't know you, I won't bother spending time with you.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010
There you go sayang.

“I think when you are young, you are hoping that this person will be the right one, the one you are going to be in love with forever. But sometimes you want that so much you create something that isn’t really there.”

Monday, April 5, 2010

Just came back from meeting soniyah bby.
Caught up on ALOTTT of stuffs.
Heard and told unbelievable and hilarious stories.
Didn't know people like this existed yea? haha!
So glad she liked the bracelet:D:D:D
Can't wait to meet balqis,syamsiyah,fatin,addey,isa.
I hope we'll have a slacking session sooooon babies.
I miss ya'll.

And school's reopening in a week.
I miss frenzies but I don't miss assignments.

Hello long train rides and pushy commuters.
Hello to the longlong walk to school.
Goodbye to airconditioned classroom.

Let's not think about this now.

Anyone up for slacking session press my digits ayts.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Bff Soniyah.
Happy eighteen sweets.
I'm sorry for the extremely late wish.
My bad. I think I suck at wishing people their birthdays.
Its ironic how I can remember to get something for you yet forget to wish you.
So sorry dear.
Anyways,thanks for being there for me for the past 5 years.
I was just cleaning some stuff and came across the ESSS class photos and yearbooks.And I saw all our innocent faces and how the years have moulded us.
The laughters,the silly arguments,the gossiping,the bitching,the boys,the tears,the slackings,the habits,the games, the copying of homeworks. There's so much more yea?
And till now, you're still here. I haven't been the bestest type of friend for you. But I hope you know that you mean a lot to me and I love you to bits ayts?
Hope to see you soon and pass you your pressie.
Love you.

Friday, April 2, 2010
Say you love me.

Went out to celebrate daddy's birthday today.
went to dine at bugis.
Had sausage carbonara and dark chocolate.
Then I finished up dad's fish and chips. hee.
After that,
But imagine this,
Windows open
Hair let loose
Music blasting in ear
Pure bliss.

As usual, all the petty shitxzxzzz occured.
I don't understand why one of you can't compromise and just have peace here. Arguing over things that I have no control over. And everytime I analyse this in my head, I end up blaming myself for being so oversensitive and emotional. But I think its about time I put a stop to it. I should stop blaming myself and try to blame you guys. You're the adults anyways. Saw the advertisement where the small girl doesn't want to celebrate her birthday after seeing her parents argue infront of her? Relate to that. That's how I feel but I'm not going to voice it out. You're going to think I'm some emotional immature teenager bla3. Can't help it and sorry to say but try to take a look around, I'm not the only one who feels this way.
Shit.Whatever you know. Seriously.I'm tired of feeling this way.
Can't wait for school. Soak up the projects and long days there.

Ok,I'm just going to enjoy the rest of the holidays.
Anyone up for slacking, just press my digits.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

went to town on mon with sis.
before we went there, we came across a weird sight.
A lady was "lepaking" with her other makcik members.
Then one of them asked me if me and sis were twins. and i said no. then one of the makciks started praising and bla3.
Suddenly,she said she wanna masuk minang. i was like, "Err.hee"
Never did we walked away that fast from a group of makciks.haha.
Was supposed to meet man but last minute cancelled so wtf.
Decided to just slack around there since we were already otw.
We got offered a modelling job from this agency and after we took the name card, I asked sis if she mandi bunga or something today since it has been going so weird.lols.
I planned to scare my mother by saying that I'm going for the job,but I forgot. Suddenly a lady called me and wanted me for freelance modelling. I just okayed my way through the conversation.
After that, I put on a serious face and went to mum and said I was going. She just looked at me and said, "Heh. Bilang la bapak kau."
Plan failed.
I wanted to try to scare him too but I know he'll just give me a sarcastic reply so why waste my time.pfft.
So went swimming with sis on tues. AND GOT TO MEET SONIA AND FATIN! :D
Too bad I couldn't slack with them after that.
And terserempak-ed with the rest the next day. haha. funny ppl. I miss annoying them:(
Stayed aat home today and since I had nothing to do, I was spring cleaning. From 1 till 5. Changed everything and rearranged stuff around the house. And I destroyed the radio signal in the process of hanging up the curtains. hee. Now I know why only my brother changes the curtains at home:)
Annnnd I'm happy with the way it looks now. I like. Though if I had it my way completely, I'd put candles everywhere:D
So far,this week, I think is the most where people have asked meand sis if we were twins. ITS ANNOYING. WE DO NOT LOOK ALIKE.
One incident happened at central area, this malay guy came out of a shop that me and sis were passing by. Obviously he saw our faces and he was walking behind us, and you know what he said?
"oooh.somebody looks alikeeeeeee." like seriously, he stretched the last word in some sing song manner. I turned to him and he just looked at me with an expressionless face.
Just a few hours ago, a group of malay boys passing by us asked his friend, "Eh, ni due twins pe sia?"
And the makcik at afghan also asked my mother, "Are your kids twins?"


Oh well.
Can't do anything about it. Why argue?
But it would be fun to say "yes" to the next person who asks us if we're twins.
Got the exam results already. I improved but seeing the change in your face makes me wanna improve more. Sorry.

Happy Birthday Daddy.

I'll never know you because you'll never let me.

“Sometimes I wish I were a little kid again, skinned knees are easier to fix than broken hearts.”